Twenty Five

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He couldn't move as he watched Michael collapse as blood rushed out of his left arm. Both Yuki and Daniel pulled Carlos along to the cover of the empty alleyway Michael had collapsed into. "Oh fuck, Michael are you okay?" Daniel asked as he looked around for the source of the bullet. They had just been walking towards the back of the hotel when Carlos had heard the sound of something exploding, like a bunch of firecrackers. The next thing he heard was Michael yell out in pain as he clutched his arm from where blood seeped out rapidly. The two agents who had accompanied them had gone after the assailant, ensuring that Carlos and the rest of them would be safe if they stayed put.

"Do something he's bleeding!" Yuki's words were rushed, Carlos didn't blame him for the panicking. Truth be told he was freaking out too. The bullet had come out of nowhere. It had been aimed at Daniel who at the last minute, moved away to show both Carlos and Yuki a new trick he'd learnt from Scotty. Michael had gotten hit just then.

His hands had shook as he pulled out his phone and texted Morgan. It had been almost ten minutes since he sent the text but Morgan still hadn't responded and the agents who had been with them still hadn't returned. Daniel had tied his bandana around Michael's arm to stop the blood flow but Carlos knew that he needed professional help. He looked around himself, praying that the assailant wasn't around and he could hail a cab to take them to the hospital. In the background he could hear both Daniel and Yuki try to keep Michael awake and not let him pass out. With that amount of blood lost, Carlos wasn't sure what would happen to Michael if he did. He wasn't sure if he should call an ambulance and the fact that Daniel and Yuki hadn't called one confirmed his suspicions that calling an ambulance would be a bad idea.

"Michael," Carlos started as he hurried to his side and without thinking placed his hands on Michael's wound. Michael yelled out in pain but Carlos didn't ease the pressure, "I'm sorry but I have to do this, or else there's going to be too much blood lost," he said as he kept applying more pressure. Daniel was nodding while Yuki was still looking around in fear. Even in the seclusion of the alleyway, Carlos knew that they were still exposed. He wasn't sure what to do if the attacker decided to show up.

He heard hurried footsteps and both Yuki and Daniel stood up as if to fight back. Carlos couldn't move as blood kept seeping through his fingers. Whatever the bullet had hit was making Michael bleed out a lot. He didn't know how long they'd been out here for and Carlos wasn't sure how much longer they'd have before Michael lost way too much blood.

"Carlos! Carlos!" It was her. Carlos shuddered in relief when he heard Morgan's panicked voice. "In here!" Daniel called out and Carlos saw Morgan run into the alleyway. Her eyes were wide, almost red as if she'd been crying. On seeing him she rushed up to him and crouched down beside him. "Are- are you hurt?" her voice cracked as the words left her and Carlos stuttered in surprise as she grabbed his face and ran her hands down his neck and the sides of his arms as if looking for a wound.

"It's not me, it's Michael," he choked out and it was only then did Morgan turn to the man who was on the verge of passing out.

She swore under her breath as she pushed his hands away from the wound. "Where are the agents?" She asked as she pulled out a small box from her purse and set to inspecting the bullet wound.

"They ran after the attacker," Yuki said.

"How long have you guys been here for?" she asked as she pulled out a small flask from her bag, "this is going to sting," she warned Michael as she poured the contents of the flask on his arm and Michael screamed.

"Sssh, ssshh you're going to be alright. I promise," she said as she removed the bandana from his arm and pulled out a small pocket knife from the side of her shoe, tearing his sleeve open in the process. "The bullet ripped through the side of your arm, it's not lodged inside you so that's a good thing," her voice was calm and soothing as she passed the flask to Michael. "Here, drink this. We can't take you to a hospital just yet so we're gonna have to fix it here for now," she said as she pushed the hair off his forehead comfortingly, "this is going to hurt but I need you to be brave for me okay?"

Not That Into You: a Carlos Sainz fanficWhere stories live. Discover now