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"Oh my god! Did you see these paparazzi pictures?" practically screaming, Alyssa was barging into the hotel room almost knocking off a vase that sat precariously close to the edge of the table. Morgan groaned as her friend jumped onto the bed and shoved her phone right into her face. "Carlos was spotted leaving the gallery with Diane!" Alyssa screeched into her face and Morgan swatted at her blindly. "Get off me you bitch, I can't breathe!", she managed to choke out as Alyssa's knee jammed against her throat in the midst of all the commotion. Her overenthusiastic friend pushed herself off the bed allowing Morgan to fully sit up and stretch out her hand. Alyssa gingerly placed the phone on Morgan's palm and took a step back as she waited for Morgan to read the article some random gossip site had posted. Morgan stared at the picture. You could clearly tell it was Diane and behind her stood Carlos. They were standing in front of a taxi, Carlos in his well-tailored suit looked unbothered about the cameras flashing at his face while Diane looked absolutely thrilled.

"Called it," Morgan said as she passed the phone back to Alyssa who was shaking like a chihuahua. Her friend's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "I don't remember you being sober at the gallery yesterday," she said pointing a finger at Morgan in the process. Morgan shrugged, "I'm good at sobering up real fast, plus you were the one who went at it with my flask," she said, stretching the sleep out of her limbs. "Um, no.", Alyssa said shaking her head in the process, "You snuck into that alcove a good fifteen minutes before I came in, you had enough time to drain 75% of that flask,".

Morgan rolled her eyes, clearly they weren't on the subject of Sainz and Diane anymore. She stood up and made a beeline to the bathroom, she had a meeting of her own today while Alyssa had a lunch with Diane. Morgan was sure that when Alyssa got back, she'd know what exact position Sainz and Diane did the deed in and how exactly did he make her cum. The idea of it itself made her mood sour, Diane was never shy when it came to holding back any details. Morgan was glad that she got the green card to miss todays lunch and focus on her work instead. "Do you think Carlos would be at the lunch today?" Alyssa asked as Morgan spied her going through her makeup from the little gap between the door. She shrugged, "Perhaps not," she said as she began brushing her teeth, "But then again we all know that Diane is a whore for attention so she might bring him with her,". The hotel toothpaste was too minty making her gums hurt, Morgan made a mental note to pick up some toothpaste from the department store on her way back.

Finishing up her bathroom routine, Morgan blocked out Alyssa's ongoing argument with herself about what Diane would be prattling on about today and instead slipped into a comfortable yet chic white shirt and matching pants. That ought to be sophisticated enough for her handler, she thought as she quickly applied her makeup and fixed her hair before packing up a few things she needed into her bag, "I'll be back soon,", Morgan said as she put on her sneakers. Alyssa mumbled something incoherent and with a quick kiss in her direction Morgan was making her way out.

There wasn't much traffic today and she was glad that the spot Jenna had picked out for their meeting was at some unheard of cafe. She had a feeling that Monaco's influencers and other famous people wouldn't dare to be spotted so far away from the action in here. The cafe itself was hidden between a fruit store and a library and it took Morgan little to no time to spot Jenna's well maintained locks of platinum blonde hair seated at a table beside the window.

"It's jarring to see you without blood on yourself," Jenna said in a lieu for a hello as Morgan pulled out a seat and sat in front of her. She shrugged as she placed her bag on top of the table, "I am a well behaved, put together, young lady," she said sarcasitcally as she fished out a small blue box, "These are the codes for the submarine in Russia, managed to nab it from the Levinson Distillery before it was blown up," she kept her voice low but the elation behind the words 'blown up' wasn't lost on Jenna who rolled her eyes at Morgan. Morgan loved playing it dangerous, and nabbing that box while the timer on the bomb she had fixed in the distillery was counting down its final seconds had been both thrilling and invigorating. She passed the box to Jenna. Her handler opened the box and peered at the blue sapphire necklace in it, the gemstones had the codes hidden in them- an expert guise for those with prying eyes. Morgan had to give it to the Russians, they knew how to do things secretly.

Not That Into You: a Carlos Sainz fanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora