Twenty Three

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"All you need to do on Sunday is just smile and wave at the fans and cameras. You'll be walking in with Carlos and once you get to the paddock, Enzo will meet you and take you to the garage from where you can watch the race from," Silvia said as she gave Morgan a cynical look. Morgan refrained from rolling her eyes at the Ferrari PR manager and her unwillingness to trust that Morgan could handle herself in public. Truth be told Morgan didn't like the woman, there was always something off about her that irked Morgan in a way she couldn't put to words. Silvia was like those ladies you'd meet at church who'd sniff at you in disapproval if you turned up in a skirt that was a bit too short in the eyes of the Lord.

Morgan decided to ignore the PR manager's doubts about her and just shrugged in response. It had been two weeks since she gotten back into the rhythm of things here. Carlos had been more than compliant with her and while Morgan was in a forgiving mood, she wasn't in a forgetting one. There was some tension between herself and the pilot but with the season starting tomorrow she wasn't sure if she was ready to dive into that conversation with him. For now, on the outside, everything looked good. They'd staged a few more dates and Morgan had to ignore the speculation from fans and the press and stay focused on the task at hand- even though everyone was either taking her side or criticizing her forgiving nature about Carlos and his 'cheating'.

"It's like you've chosen to just ignore the bullshit he pulled on you and continue being his doe eyed, simpleminded girlfriend. It's so unlike you," Alyssa had told her over the phone a few days ago. Morgan had tried her best to sell Alyssa on her whole forgiving nature but it had taken a long two hour conversation to convince her best friend (at least by a fraction) that she was just willing to put everything in the past and move on with Carlos. "To me it sounds like you're letting your love for him come in the way of your critical thinking. I'm not sure if I should applaud you or smack you," Alyssa had said and Morgan had to resist the urge to snort at the ridiculousness of Alyssa's statement. Love Carlos? Yeah right. She wished she could smack him in the face with a baseball bat sometimes. They'd gone back to how things were albeit the prolonged silences that sometimes ensued in the middle of their interactions but all in all Carlos and her were back to their usual selves.

Which always involved a lot of eye rolling and verbal jabs at the other.

"Agent Morgan. Are you paying any attention to what I'm saying?" Sylvia asked, interrupting Morgan's thoughts in the process.

"Uh yes I am, please continue Sylvia," Morgan said clearing her throat and sitting up straight in the process. She tried to pay attention to the PR manager as she droned on about decorum and appropriate dress codes. Morgan couldn't be fucked with any of this as she had already educated herself on the lifestyle of a formula 1 'wag' as fans liked to call it. It was simple. Be the living and breathing version of a Kate Middleton. Always compliant and graceful, sweet and soft spoken, smile at the cameras, wave at the fans and pretend like Carlos was the perfect man to ever exist on God's green earth. She could do that. She can pretend.

Morgan let Sylvia drone on about the protocol until it was time for lunch and she quickly excused herself from the room, determined to go someplace where she wouldn't be disturbed.

She made her way through the hotel keeping her head down in the process. A few of the other teams were staying at the same hotel and she wasn't in the mood to bump into anyone she knew. Morgan kept walking until she found a small balcony at the corner of the corridor, well hidden behind a set of grey doors. She pushed them open and stepped outside, immediately taking a deep breath of the fresh crisp air. She made sure to stay well away from the view of fans who were lining outside the hotel hoping that they'd catch any of the drivers coming through. Carlos was out with Charles, filming a few PR videos and she had a feeling that they'd walk right into the mob of fans when they got back. She made a face at the thought and slid down against the wall of the balcony, pulling out her pack of smokes in the process.

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