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Morgan stared at the dress on the bed as she regretted for the hundredth time that day for allowing Alyssa to pick out this horrendous excuse of an outfit for her. "I wish you looked at your ex-boyfriends like that," Alyssa said as she stepped out of the bathroom with her makeup done to perfection. Morgan was torn between admiring Alyssa and throwing a shoe box at her head for picking out this dress.

She went with the latter.

"This looks like the kind of outfit a divorced middle-aged librarian would wear to church," she said as she pointed at the ghastly dress.

Having ducked the blow, Alyssa levelled her with a small glare, "It's vintage. You need to get rid of your bad obsession with fast fashion you know," she said as she pulled out her dress from the closet, "Look at this, I saved the planet while also looking absolutely gorgeous,".

Morgan rolled her eyes at her friend as she made her way to her suitcase, "I kinda had a feeling that you'd force me into one of these contraptions so lucky me, I packed in a spare dress," she said with triumph as she pulled out a dress she had secretly packed, "Now I wouldn't have to look like Ursula's crackhead little sister,".

Alyssa threw her arms up in the air, "It's an art show Mor, the dress I picked out for you screams Haute Couture, plus obviously it looks ugly as fuck sitting all rumpled on your bed like that!" she whined flinging her own dress around in frustration. It was almost comical to hear the exasperation in Alyssa's voice but Morgan couldn't help but feel bad for her. It was her step sister Diane's art show and she had been nervous about seeing her after nine whole years of no contact, plus she had flown all the way from New York to attend the show. Morgan knew that Alyssa needed this distraction after her ex-fiance Sean, got cold feet just two days before their wedding. A month into Alyssa moving back into the loft she had shared with her, Morgan knew that a good holiday would do Alyssa good. Plus now that she was out and about she wouldn't be crying as much as she did while holing up in their living room, fist deep in a tub of ice-cream.

She already hated herself as the words left her mouth, "Okay fine but you're buying me two drinks," Morgan said as she put her spare dress back in her suitcase and gingerly held the fringe of the dress between her fingers.

Alyssa beamed as she pulled the dress up and held it against Morgan's skin, "I'm so glad and jealous that you're blessed with a natural tan, this colour look absolutely gorgeous on you,".

"Yeah yeah whatever, just tell me how to put this on there's so many random pieces of fabric here," Morgan said giving Alyssa a mock glare.

Five minutes later Morgan was trying not to make a face as she stared at her reflection from the bathroom mirror. The dress was a dark shade of blue which had almost an emerald hue to it. But while the colour was pretty the dress itself wasn't. Grimacing over the fact that she looked like a Mardi gras float, Morgan quickly retouched her makeup silently thanking the heavens that Alyssa wasn't in charge of that. She opted for a mauve lipstick and kept her eye-look minimal with just brown shadow and mascara. She kept her hair up in a sleek bun, the sheer black shawl of the dress was firmly draped across her neck, she had the sudden urge to use asphyxiation as an excuse to not go. She wasn't a fan of Diane, not since she had publicly humiliated Alyssa during their middle school prom. She knew it was petty to hate on someone for something they did in middle school but Morgan didn't give a damn, she knew Diane was still the same self absorbed, spoilt daddy's girl with an unlimited credit card balance.

"You ready?" Alyssa asked as she popped her head into the bathroom, "I'm packing us some malteser bars just in case they serve us some tasteless gluten free finger food,".

"Good, and I'm taking my flask with me,".

"Excellent! Vodka?"


"Fucking mint,"

Morgan ensured the flask on the bathroom counter was firmly closed before slipping it into her purse. The girls quickly put on their heels and made their way to the taxi Diane had called in for them. "Ooh fancy," Morgan pointed out as a sleek sliver Mercedes met them at the entrance of their hotel, "I bet daddy went all out with the funding,".

Alyssa snorted under her breath as she got inside and Morgan followed. "D'you think it'll be weird today?" Alyssa asked as she wiped off a trace of lipstick from the corner of her mouth, "Diane told me that a lot of her celebrity friends would be here today, it's a PR event you know,".

"We're in Monaco Al, obviously there are going to be celebrities,".

"Ugh I just wish Max is there," she said as she fixed her hair, "Wouldn't hurt seeing his gorgeous face," Alyssa said.

Morgan chuckled, "We've gone on enough hikes around Monaco to know for a fact that he's not here. He's prolly on holiday in LA or somewhere,".

"Yuck with all the hippies," Alyssa mumbled under her breath.

Morgan smiled at her, "Don't worry Aly girl, your formula 1 prince charming is on his way,".

"Would've gotten here faster if he was driving a Red Bull,".

"I honestly can't even argue with that,"

Alyssa winked at her, chuckling in the process. "Kinda sucks that we busted most of our savings to come here now when we should've just come to Monaco for the GP," she said with a shrug, then looking at Morgan, "Don't give me the side eye you bitch! Just thirsting over the drivers is the same as watching the race!" she said laughing in the process.

They went back and forth taking turns to narrate how the night would go until Morgan realised that the car had stopped in front of their venue and the chauffeur was giving them both a withering look waiting for them to get out of his car.

Morgan offered him an apologetic wave before firmly leading Alyssa away, who continued mimicking Diane's discussion of her breast implants in a high-pitched falsetto voice. "I get your nervous but shut up because that voice is grating against the back of my brain," Morgan said as she fixed on a fake smile, Alyssa mirroring her in the process.

They made their way into the gallery and was immediately greeted with two waiters holding up trays of champagne. Morgan took one and Alyssa took two. She gave her friend a look but Alyssa was too busy downing one before doing the same to the other, "Pass me yours, I can't do this shit sober," she said and Morgan swapped her flute for two empty ones. Just as Alyssa was to down her third glass of champagne a booming laugh had both girls stopping in their tracks and turning in the direction it came from.

"There's my little girl!" Frank Davis exclaimed as he pulled Alyssa into a big hug. Morgan grabbed for her glass before it spilled over Alyssa and her dad and juggled the tree glasses between her fingers. Frank pulled back and held Alyssa by the shoulders, "My you've grown princess, you're starting to look more like your mother,".

Alyssa chuckled, "Dad I doubt I did much growing in the past two months since I last saw you," she said.

Frank shrugged, the smile ever present on his face, he was about to say something to Morgan when a high pitched cheer which Morgan was certain had bats waking up from an afternoon nap interrupted him. "Alyssa! Oh my it's been way too long!" Diane exclaimed as she pulled Alyssa in for a hug. Morgan kept the smile plastered on her face as Diane pulled back and turned to her, "Oh and you brought Morgan!" She said as she pulled Morgan in for a hug. "And oh my! You certainly went for it with the champagne didn't you?" She said pointing at the three glasses Morgan was struggling to hold. Alyssa was about to intervene when Diane clapped her hands in the air and a waiter materialized out of nowhere.

Alyssa and Morgan shared a look as the three flutes were whisked away in seconds.

"So sweet of you to come darling," Diane said as she hooked an arm around Alyssa and led her into the hall. Frank seemed to have found interest in a group of young women observing a picture at the far end of the hall and was hastily making his way there. Morgan sighed, awkwardly tugging at the shawl around her neck before deciding to just peruse some of the pictures instead of standing at the entrance like a bobble head.

She could feel the flask of tequila bump against her hip. Unfortunately she'd need more than that to get through the night in one piece, she thought as she stepped further in to the gallery.

Not That Into You: a Carlos Sainz fanficWhere stories live. Discover now