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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Mystical_Playz
Thank you so much for the sweet comment!! Keeps me motivated to write this story for y'all 🤍🤍


"Babe d'you have to leave right now?" Rebecca asked as she lay across the bed. The sheets did nothing to hide her toned body and Carlos almost debated if he should just skip his parent's event and spend the night with her instead. He shook his head in an attempt to dissipate those thoughts and shrugged on his jacket. "I'll be seeing you again tomorrow, let's go to that dessert bar you've been raving about for the past few days," he said as he leaned down and gave her a quick peck on the lips. She smiled at him as she sat up and stretched, her breasts angling up that Carlos had to force himself to look away. He cleared his throat and scooped up his keys, "See you tomorrow Bec," he said before hurrying out.

Back in his car, he made sure he didn't look as ruffled as he was on the inside. He didn't want to get to the venue looking like he'd just rolled out of bed, which he had he thought with a grimace. But the fact that the paparazzi hadn't gotten wind of his rendezvous with Rebecca meant that he was being subtle about his affair with her.

He drove to the countryside and distracted himself by focusing on the radio. He wasn't sure what to expect at the event. The last time he'd attended was when he was with Isa. Now with Morgan, he wasn't so sure how the night would progress.

The thought of Morgan made his mood sour. She had been super distant lately and the only time she spoke to him was when they were in front of the paps. She always kept her distance, choosing to bury herself in her work and nothing else. A couple of times she had gone golfing with him and Lando and while she had gotten along well with Lando she hadn't even looked in his direction the entire time. He wondered if she already suspected him of his relationship with Rebecca but with all the sneaking around he had been doing lately, Carlos doubted that she would've caught wind of what was happening.

The gates to his family's vineyard loomed ahead of him and he drove inside before looking for a place to park. None of the guests had arrived yet and he was glad for some privacy which he needed when he went to confront her. He had to settle whatever animosity that was going on between them before the event started. Most of his close family and friends were attending and this to him felt like the ultimate test. If he wasn't able to convince them he wasn't so sure about convincing the glaring eyes of the spectators and anyone else in the paddock once the season starts. He made his way into the house to find her talking to someone from the evening's security detail. "You're sure this isn't the outfit for tonight?" he asked indicating at her plain black jeans and the leather jacket she had thrown over a tshirt. On close inspection he stared at the bright red elmo graphic that peered from underneath her jacket. He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her.

"Where have you been? Your mother has been looking for you everywhere," she said, dismissing the other man with a wave of her hand. She turned to Carlos and cocked her head to the side, waiting for his answer.

"Went to play some golf, wanted to clear my head before tonight," he said.

"In that outfit?" she asked but before he could come up with another excuse Blanca came running up to the two of them.

"Why aren't you two already dressed up? The guests will be here any minute," she picked up a strand of Morgan's hair and shot Morgan a perplexed look. "This will take me forever to fix, I need you to get ready asap!" Blanca said, her tone raised to a whine.

Carlos watched as Morgan tried to fight off a smile. Over the course of his continued absence he suspected that Blanca and Morgan had gotten closer. He didn't know if he should be happy or worried about their alliance. "I won't take too long," Morgan said before turning to him, "You might want to change out of those clothes as well," she said giving him a pointed look in the process before turning on her heel and following Blanca down the hallway.

Not That Into You: a Carlos Sainz fanficWhere stories live. Discover now