Chapter 18: Confronting Change

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, the tar began to flow, and Kabir was pushed out of the cave as he screamed. He stumbled and fell, his heart pounding as he looked back at the cave, now completely engulfed in the black tar.



February 12th, 2023, 12:30 pm, Jain Counselling Centre, Jodhpur

"I just can't seem to find him," Kabir said, his voice filled with defeat. "I don't know what else to do."

Dr Sandeep listened patiently, taking notes as Kabir spoke. When he finished, he put down his pen and looked up at Kabir.

"Kabir, you did well," he said reassuringly. "You managed to confront Yuvaan's trauma, and that's a huge step forward. It's not easy to face your demons, but you did it."

"But I still haven't found him," Kabir said, his with frustration. "I need to try again."

Sandeep shook his head, concerned for Kabir's safety. "I'm sorry, Kabir, but I can't allow that," he said firmly. "Long periods of time in the mindscape without anyone controlling the body is dangerous. It could lead to further dissociation or even worse, a takeover by another alter."

Kabir's face fell at his words. Sandeep knew that Kabir was desperate to find Yuvaan, but he couldn't let Kabir put himself at risk.

"But what if I never find him?" Kabir asked quietly. "What if he's lost forever?"

Dr Sandeep leaned across the table, his eyes meeting Kabir's. "Kabir, Yuvaan is a part of you," he said gently. "He's not lost, and he's not gone forever. He's just... hiding. And we'll find him, I promise you that. But we must be patient and take it one step at a time. And we know what the next step is."

Kabir looked up at Sandeep, his expression perplexed. Sandeep smiled reassuringly and continued, "Kabir, encountering the tar tells us two things. One, that Yuvaan is hiding in that cave only, and second, Yuvaan is still trapped because of his unwillingness to confront his traumas. So, Kabir, you know where to find Yuvaan and how to free him."

Kabir's eyes lit up as realisation dawned on him. "I know what to do," he said excitedly. "When can we try again?"

Sandeep shook his head, his expression serious. "Kabir, you need to rest for today," he said firmly. "Your mind and body need time to recover. We'll try again tomorrow."

Kabir nodded slowly, seeming to take comfort in his words. Sandeep knew that Kabir was struggling, but he had faith in him.

"Okay," Kabir said, his voice resigned. "Tomorrow then. "I'll be patient. And in the meantime, I'll focus on being present and building good memories with Banni and Atharva."

The Rathores in Therapy: A BCHD EpilogueWhere stories live. Discover now