30 8 6

I trudged down the road that cut through the forest; the slice of concrete causing a clear divide. Lou had asked me to grab the axe he'd left back at our cabin (it was advised I stay with someone before I got settled, seeing as I was a flight risk). He was a strange fella, but I got on with him a reasonable amount; apparently suffered from attachment issues, but I was okay with doing missions with him - I liked consistency with friend groups.

We were told to help EJ with looking for the body that was just across our border and in Zalgo's territory. A fight had broken out earlier - apparently the demon had been more active and aggressive than usual. I wasn't too sure, however - I was a 'rookie' still. Tim and Brian - or Masky and Hoodie (as I'd been 'corrected') had dealt with the conflict rather well. The worst was Hoodie complaining about a minor back pain, which I didn't see how it was related, but realistically it didn't concern me, and therefore it didn't bother me.

I looked up to the night sky; it was a void - stars dotting across the dark canvas, countless of different suns with countless different planets and countless different amounts of potential. And I was stuck here. I had no idea who I was, why I was here, how I got here and why I was covered in scars and injuries. It'd been a week since I 'woke up', and I still was none the wiser.

I felt like the moon - I feel like I've always had a connection, or tie, to the night. It always felt more still, and at peace. The moon offered a clear path too; like all problems were pushed aside and there was a glowing solution in the sky. Simple and easy to follow.

But nothing ever was - I guess I just like the idea of not being lost anymore.

At the bend in the road, I began to turn into the forest - for now, I was following the roads, it was easier to navigate through the woods with. I remembered the bend, now all I had to do was to travel around ten to eleven o'clock. At least, I hope so.

I quickly began to make my way through the gaps between the tall, rows of cloned evergreen trees - the moon and stars slowly being hidden by the thick, pointed leaves. I made sure to walk hurriedly yet cautiously - I'd tripped over a protruding tree root on my way here, the first time. Luckily, the worst that happened was a light teasing from Lou.

Louis was a strange person - as stated earlier. He seemed very paranoid, but also very trusting. If you helped him once or twice, he'd find you more trustworthy, but he was always suspicious of others. Other than that he seemed... Normal. He liked video games and got angry when losing them, he had a friend and a girlfriend. He looked normal too - he had light brown, shaggy hair and brown eyes. He looked like a human. He dressed like a normal teen too - a red-orange coloured hoodie and a green shirt with jeans.

We were each given 'codenames' - like Masky and Hoodie, just in case we had to interact with each other near the public. Though, it was left up to each other to pick. It's like some people didn't get the memo of a codename; Jeff mainly. He'd called Jack "Eyeless Jack", to which we'd shortened to EJ. As well as calling himself Jeff the Killer, which wasn't too subtle. He'd also tried naming his brother - Liu - "Homocidal Liu", however the brunette had quickly taken up the name Sully instead.

I also had the misfortune of Jeff attempting to name me. "Ticci Toby", which was offensive - thankfully the nicer people around here did point out - but it had unfortunately stuck. I don't think I'm going to like Jeff too much.

Lou was someone that did get to name themselves (much like Bloody Painter and Clockwork - Masky and Hoodie were named by the public), and he'd chosen "Heartful Lou". I didn't quite understand why - he didn't speak much about his past, and would always dismiss it as it being because of his mask. I didn't quite understand his mask either; not many people did interact with the faceless thing in person, but I had when it gave me the muzzle it would make me wear. So, I doubt that it picked out the mask for him. It was a plain white thing with a dark pink, maybe red heart covering the centre - where his eyes would be.

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