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I could hear something - though I couldn't quite put my finger on it. It sounded muffled, but it was slowly starting to sound like a voice. In response to the disruption, I grumbled, rolling onto my side as my brows furrowed. "Go away." I muttered, forcing my eyes to stay closed. I was tired and I didn't get up - not to mention, still half asleep.

"Toby, Toby wake up-" The voice demanded, softly - the noise being accompanied with a gentle tapping on my chest.

"Fuck off." I grumbled, once again rolling over - this time on the other side of the bed, slowly starting to gain more conscious. Resisting the idea of being met with the sun, I snuggled further into the blanket I had.

I heard the sound of feet slowly padding around the bed, so they were facing me again. "I need to talk to you, dumbass." The voice claimed, continuing to press. This time I peeled my narrowed eyes open.

"G'Morning." I mumbled, lazily forcing a smile onto my face upon seeing Cody's hoodie, which was quickly replaced with his face when he crouched down. His face held worry - a knitted brow, with his green hues glancing over my features with concern.

"Your hair is still wet." He mumbled, hesitantly reaching up to brush my dampened hair out of my face. Cody paused, his eyes finally staying on mine. "I heard what happened - why didn't you come and get me?" He asked softly.

"Because I was drowning - I'm not gonna be able to get up and look for you," I answered, my eyebrows furrowing as I spoke, "I didn't know where you'd gone." At my response, his expression faltered - a look of guilt mixing in with his concern.

"I'm sorry - I just needed some alone time." He mumbled. Cody spoke with nothing but sincerity - but that only annoyed me. He didn't have to be sorry, he didn't do anything wrong.

"Don't - don't be." I mumbled, closing my eyes again as I attempted to fall back asleep. "It's important."

"Helen and Nina told me what happened."

I grumbled, reluctantly peeling an eye open - glaring, almost. "I can tell." I replied, watching his expression grow more anxious. "I don't get why Nina doesn't go round spreading stuff about Jeff, y'know? They have so much power to humiliate him. Say that he clips his toenails on the sofa or that he has a piss kink. If anyone would know, it'd be them, and they're too nice to lie, even if those would be lies - so, really, everyone would believe them-"

"Toby - I came to talk to you about what happened, not you wanting to torture Jeff." Cody mumbled, despite his frustrations he still kept a soft tone and a worried look. "Are you okay?" He asked, sighing quietly.

"Well I was sleeping." I mumbled, luckily under my breath. I looked up to the man, forcing a smile. "Yes, I'm fine." I answered, pulling an arm out from underneath the blanket and resting it across the top of my forehead.

Cody rolled his eyes - frustration slowly beginning to seep onto his features. "Toby - you drowned and you released some form of entity, which clearly seems malicious."

I rolled my head backwards against the pillow, grumbling. "And? Pissing off spirits might be one of my pastimes."

"No, but stressing me out clearly is one." Cody retorted, before gently taking ahold of my arm and lifting it away from my face - moving it to my side, "What I'm trying to say is that you aren't fine, Toby. You're sleeping in a medical room, for crying out loud. I'm checking up on you because I-"

"Want to continue avoiding the conversation about our arguement?" I interrupted, raising an eyebrow. I was pissed at him. Admittedly, it may have been fuelled by what Nina had said, but I was still pissed.

His face visibly fell as he grimaced, his eyes falling to the floor. "Toby-"

"No, you said you were going to talk to me about this today." I continued, starting to sit up, "And it's today!" I pulled the blanket with me as I moved, pulling it so it was to my abdomen.

"I know what I said - but that was before you almost died!"

"I nearly died before you promised me that, yesterday, too!" I exclaimed, letting out a sigh and looking to the door of the room before looking back at Cody. "If I'm so vulnerable to death then surely we should just rip off the band aid! Get this conversation over and done with!"

Cody looked away - to the wall closest to the both of us, his lips tugging into a thin line - causing his dimples to become more prominent (something I would've mentally gushed over if it weren't for the situation). He sighed, "Look. We were young - and I made a stupid mistake. I tried to fix it but whenever I did it'd backfire. It was my fault and you had every right to be mad at me." He told me, hesitantly glancing over. It was obvious he was nervous - he didn't like to make eye contact when he was nervous. But, he was trying to.

"We're still young, Cody. What made me go no contact with you - what did you do?!" I pushed, frustrated by his vagueness. He went to speak, but I cut him off. "None of this, 'I don't want to overwhelm you' bullshit, either. I'd rather know than be left in the dark!"

He hesitantly stood up, my eyes following him as he leant backwards against the dresser that was behind him - crossing his arms over his chest. His eyes narrowed as they starred at the floor, an uncomfortable expression on his face. "I did something stupid, that I thought was right. I used to do that a lot - used it as a way of making a statement. But, one day I did it to the wrong person and shit hit the fan. And, you were the one they pointed the fan at - even though it was me." He rambled, though he spoke clearly and slowly.

I shook my head - my eyes landing on the pastel pink walls. I looked back at him, "What did you do?" I asked, my expression slowly softening.

He gave me a small, saddened smile - but it quickly fell. "Graffiti. Uh, the people that I did it to thought it was you that did it."

I scoffed, "And we fell out over that?" I mumbled - seeing his expression turn to one of confusion. "It's so stupid.. I mean, I thought maybe it was for like a burglary or something." I continued, seeing a small - more relaxed - smile on his face.

He scoffed, shrugging a little. "Well, it was enough to stop me from being able to visit you when you were in hospital.. fucking hate your dad." Cody mumbled, looking up to me - his face falling after he noticed my saddened expression.

The man stood a little straighter, unfolding his arms as he looked back to the floor again. "Uh, well, I'm gonna go get breakfast. You're welcome to join me. Tim, Kate and Brian will probably be there too." He mumbled.

"We gonna be doing science afterwards?" I asked, tilting my head to the side - watching a brighter, happier smile spread across his cheeks, forming into a toothy grin.

He nodded, looking to me. "Yeah, I guess." Cody replied, "Just remember to put a shirt on, dumbass." He chuckled.

I glanced down to my chest, scoffing. "My clothes were soaked!" I exclaimed, looking back up to him as he began to make his way towards the door.

"Mhm, and there totally aren't pyjamas in every medical room dresser." He retorted, shaking his head lightly as he reached out to the door.

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