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The car pulled up by the side of the diamond link fence, surrounded by dying shrubbery of faded greens and wheat yellow colours and a light, dirt path. The area did feel familiar - I recognised the tall, LEGO-(light)-grey building, even though it was in shambles; no roof and crumbling walls, barely any windows (they'd been smashed in or missing) and the graffiti that was scattered along the insides and outsides of the building. Maybe I did come here - after it'd become ruins, too.

I began to get out of the car - the seat belt being easier to undo than actually put on - sighing at the feeling of fresh air. Even with the AC, the car did feel muggy with that many people in it. I stretched; swinging my arms straight out and grumbling in satisfaction. "I don't think she's here yet." I began, glancing back around to the two men still in the car.

"I can't see a car yet." Cody agreed, beginning to get out as well, holding his baseball bat tightly in one hands - having left his satchel of syringes on the dashboard.

Shit, I don't have a weapon.

"Ya jus' got ou'da one." Jeff retorted, snickering under his breath at his own comment, beginning to get out as well - the sound of the two car doors shutting following each other.

"You know what I meant, Jeff-"

"Uh- Cody-" I hesitantly interrupted - a quiet, almost embarrassed tone to my voice, "I left my hatchets in my cabin."

Despite the fact that Cody had put his gas mask on, I could tell by the way his eyes 'fell' that his expression was either shock or frustration. "You didn't-" He muttered, frozen to his spot.

"I did, I don't have them-" I repeated, slowly as I spoke without thinking - knowing this wasn't the time to be snarky.

His eyebrows furrowed as his squinted his eyes closed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Check the boot." Cody had grumbled, "There has to be something." He sighed, beginning to point to Jeff, his eyes opening to show a tired look. "You picked up his muzzle but not his hatchets?"

"It ain't my fault! He shoulda fetch'd 'em." Jeff defended, as I began to walk towards the boot of the car - trying to pry it open, as most of the car got jammed and stuck. It eventually sprung open, after I hit it down, revealing some rope, duct tape, a ski mask and no weapons.

"But you could've." Cody grumbled, glancing towards me as I stood up.

"Nope." I sighed, beginning to force the boot door shut - putting my weight onto it across two arms, my palms pressed on the flimsy material. "Anyone got any spares?" I asked, glancing between the two.


"Take my bat, I can stay in the car, keep an eye out - come out if needed."

"No, why should ya stay back?!" Jeff growled, clearly annoyed.

"You didn't wanna give the knife up," Cody happily answered, beginning to walk over to me, handing me the weapon - the padding of the handle being easier to grasp. "I don't care about the bat."

"Thanks." I mumbled, offering the man a small smile, to which I know he caught, seeing as he returned the gesture with a slight nod.

We began to walk up to the fence - Jeff immediately beginning to climb over it, his fingers looping through the holes as grip - he used the soles of his shoes against it, quickly managing to scale it, in a sense. However, seeing as I had a less portable weapon, I had instead quickly tossed it over the fence - aiming for it to land on the grassier patch of ground (to which it luckily did). Seeing it land caused me to quickly begin to copy Jeff - feeling the pieces thin, cylindrical metal dig into the ridges of my hands, near joints. I shrugged it off, however, seeing as Jeff didn't seem to be in pain (so it must've been safer than not).

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