My mother was already waiting when we arrived, kissing Silvia on each cheek and squealing with delight when my best friend informed her of our plan to get ready for the ball together. She bustled off down the hall to send for Silvia's things and inform her parents and I watched her go with raised brows. I supposed she was so caught up in the euphoria of not having to wrangle me into a dress herself that she had forgotten to give her usual speech about my behavior and overall presentation.

We walked to my room arm in arm and began with our makeup, dabbing on a bit of rouge here, coloring our lips there. By the time Silvia's dress arrived, we were ready to put them on. Within a matter of moments, there were enough servants in my room to dress both Silvia and I. They swarmed around each other like a well-managed hive, skirts of satin and chiffon breezing by in a whirlwind of color and elegance. The dress I selected was lilac, complimentary to my light skin tone and auburn hair. It wasn't as revealing as the blue dress my mother had chosen for me and was far more subdued. But I adored it and the little white ruffles that embellished it. Silvia wore a bright orange and pulled it off better than I ever would have imagined. Our servants did our hair and draped our jewels around our necks and wrists and then announced us done and stepped away. Grinning at one another like fools, we linked arms and headed out to the foyer of my family home where my mother and father were already waiting.

They beamed up at us as we approached and, as my mother leaned in to kiss my cheeks, she even whispered to me how beautiful I looked. I smiled back at her in thanks and then the four of us made our way to the waiting carriage just outside. It was a bit of a tight fit with all four of us but we had no intention of separating so we managed, settling in as it lurched forward and rolled down the street toward Spencer House and the ball waiting therein.

The ball was as beautiful as all the others. The Spencer family had gone all out with the decor. Everything was sparkling, golden, as Silvia and I made our way into the manor arm in arm, pausing long enough to greet Lord and Lady Spencer behind my parents on our way inside. Silvia greeted her mother warmly and gave a wave to her father before she and I disappeared on our own, leaving our parents to talk as we took up a position idling on the side of the dance floor, watching those around us. Silvia was in the middle of a bit of gossip concerning newly debut blonde beauty Rosanna James when she squeaked and suddenly ceased speaking. I looked up in surprise to find her eyes wide and averted. I turned to see what had caused such a reaction and noticed Lord Leo Temby standing nearby surrounded by his usual posse of Archibald Starks, Owen Hamblin, Myer Booth, and none other than KyrieRayfield himself.

"Oh dear, Silvia," I said with a sigh. "You simply must speak to him."

"Absolutely not," she gasped, shaking her head with wide-eyed fervor. "I'd positively die."

"Wouldn't that be a sight."

I looped my arm through hers and made to pull her toward the group of cavorting men but she planted her feet firmly upon the tile and would not budge even an inch. I looked down to her solid stance and back to her face.

"Silvia–" I started.

"Please, Norah, I cannot."

I watched her for a moment, saw the pure terror on her face, and released her. I straightened my gown and glanced over my shoulder at the men now laughing at something one of them had said. They didn't seem so intimidating to me.

"But I can," I told her, turning back to face her. "Will you allow it?"

Her eyes widened again.

"Norah–" she started.

"I won't confess your love for him, do not worry," I assured her. "I'll simply... assess his interest. And then you'll know. Once and for all. You are... ready to know, yes?"

The Marquess and the Midwife (*On Hold*)Where stories live. Discover now