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"Oh commo on, Tommo! You used to be at every single party! And ever since those clones kidnapped you you've abandoned me!" The blonde omega told his friend through the other line of the phone dramatically.

Louis smiled at Niall while he was lying in Edwards chest, the alpha caressed his hair softly and Harry was completely asleep beside them. Marcel wasn't with them because he had to leave early for Uni (He still had 1 year left because he is studying medicine and it's a 6 year study) and Louis really hated whenever he had to leave and couldn't spend time with them.

"Take that back! I would never abandon you" The boy replied blushing. "Oh yeah? come to Zayn's party today with me then" The blonde omega replied sassily, teasing his friend. The blue eyed boy gasped at Niall's statement  "Zayn's party? It's fucking thursday Niall" Niall just chuckled louder at this.

"Are you, Mr. I-party-four-days-in-a-row-every-week telling me that you don't want to come to Zayn's party, youre favorite parties by the way, because it's fucking thursday? Since when do you give a shit about that?" The omega said not believing his friend's strange behavior, this made Louis sigh. "Look, Niall, I know, I really want to see you! But there's work tomorrow, and the triplets and I already had something planned out and-" The omega was cut off before he could think of any other excuse "Darling, it's okay we can go if you want to" Edward told him calmly as he kept caressing his hair.

"Who's that, is that your husband I hear? Put him on speaker Tommo! He knows what he's talking about" The omega nearly shouted and Louis obeyed as he rolled his eyes. "Eduardo! If it isn't the hottest triplet! Please convince your sassy little husband to come to the party please?" He said cheekily while Louis didn't even know how to interfere.

The omegas comment made Edward chuckle "I mean I will take him if he wants too, I'm sure he'll have a good time" Edward replied making Louis roll his eyes for like the hundredth time because of how they were talking about him as if he wasn't the one holding the phone. "Thank mate you're the best! Well.. not the best at pretending to be Harry that's for sure!" Niall said before he started chuckling like a mad man" Oh my gosh you were the worst!" He said before starting to laugh again.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows at this "Wait.. you knew about that?" He asked confusedly and turned to look at the alpha who just smirked at him and shrugged his shoulders. "Lou are you kidding me? He was so obvious" The omega told his friend simply.

"What? N-no he wasn't... Give me an example then!" As soon as the words left the omega's mouth the alpha's eyes grew wide open and he started shaking his head, he didn't want all of the embarrassing stories to come to see light. Niall chuckled even more, at this point he was going to have a heart attack "Only one? Oh my god, how do I choose?! There's so many good ones" He said, laughing his ass off.

"Horan don't you dare." Edward said in his usual intimidating voice, decreasing the omegas laughter a tiny bit. A familiar groaning sound was heard suddenly "What the hell are you people talking about?" Harry asked in his raspy deep morning voice, while he was still with his eyes closed and his arm covering half of his face.

"Oh good morning Styles, just trying to convince your hubby to go to Zayn's party with us" Niall explained, earning a frown from Harry "Zayn's?" Harry replied, almost growling. "Oh shoot I forgot that you are a jealous prick for a second, it's okay I'm going to force Louis to go anyways" Niall said, upsetting the alpha even more.

Without adding anything else the blonde omega ended the call leaving the three boys in silence, "Um, well I suppose we'll be going to Zayn's party then?" Louis said, making Harry snort "You know you don't have to go if you don't want to, don't you baby?" The alpha said and his brother hummed in response. Louis shook his head and sighed "You clearly don't know Niall, even if I didn't want to, he is going to take me go to the party, like, that Irish lad won't take no for an answer from me" The omega explained and Harry growled.

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