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Louis doesn't even remember life before Harry, he's convinced that he wasn't actually living before he met the green eyed alpha.. This charismatic dimpled guy had turned Louis' world upside down. Louis, not as most omegas, hated all alphas and thought relationships just weren't his thing, that's before he met Harry of course.

But it was like in moments like now when he realized he didn't know that much about his destined alfa. The couple had been so obsessed with loving each other that they hadn't even been together at louis house, for example, or even formally introduced their families yet. It was when Louis realized this that he gasped audibly.

"For god's sake, how didn't I think this?"- The omega explained while he was cuddling with his alfa on the couch.

"Omega is everything okay?" Harry asked with an upset frown at the sudden outburst of the blue eyed boy.

"We've been dating for 3 months"

"I know baby I can count"- Harry replied smiling stupidly at his boy, dimples showing and all.

"We are destined"- The brunette kept giving these short answers as if they made even a little sense.

"Oh really? I didn't know thanks for telling me love"- The alfa replied finding this whole situation very amusing.

"Harry for the love of god, you haven't even met my parents! Oh my god my mum is gonna kill me"

"Baby why would she kill you?"- The alfa replied while he giggled at his adorable omegas stupidness.

"Harry, she wanted to meet you AGES ago, god I haven't even met anyone from your family, and they know we're together! Christ they must think I'm the worst omega ever and that I probably don't even deserve you- and- and-

"Lou-" -Harry kept saying his name trying to calm his anxious boyfriend.

"And you know what? It's probably for the better, because they're definitely definitely definitely not gonna like me, I mean I am a-

"Lou, baby"

"They won't-"



"You're rambling again baby"- the alfa softly replied, caressing his soon-to-be mate's cheek trying to calm the boy down.

"S-Sorry, sorry"- the omega fastly mumbled barely even audibly.

"Now, how many times have I told you not to say the s word?"- the green eyed jokingly said referring to the many many times the alfa had told the omega to stop apologizing for absolutely everything.


"NO!"- Harry replied just to attack his boy with kisses all over his face.

The couple kept giggling and messing with each other until they got tired and returned to the original cuddling position they were in.

"Lou, you know you can meet my family anytime you want, no?- this time it was the curly head's boy turn to break the comfortable silence.

" I- I know, sorry Haz I just kinda had a breakdown earlier"- the omega shyly said hiding his face on the alphas chest.

" It's okay honey I know, but I just don't want you to ever believe that my family wouldn't love you. Believe me, they love you more than me, and they don't even know you"- The lad replied, looking directly into his omegas eyes.

" Are you for real?"- the omega asked him with a dumbfounded expression

" Oh of course I am, I obviously talk about you to them all the time. My mom has insisted on wanting to meet you since day 1! I didn't tell you anything because I thought maybe we were going too fast and you were gonna freak out, sorry little one"- Harry said trying to explain himself.

"Nah, it's okay I guess we're both pretty dumb"- the blue eyed replied before having a laughing attack with the alpha.

"Oh and don't call me that"- Louis remarked angrily.

" What did you say you didn't want me to call you, little one?"- the alpha responded to his little boyfriend still boldly making fun of him.

"Shut up fucking giraffe!"- That's the exact moment that Harry completely lost it and started having another even worse laughing attack, I mean, can you blame him? that omega was just the funniest and cutest thing ever when he was irritated.

When Louis saw this reaction he aggressively got out of his couples lap and started walking through the door, not even knowing where he was going, but wanting to dramatically express how annoyed he was.

"Okay, okay, baby I'm sorry , wait!"- the alpha said when he finally could stop laughing

Harry ran up to his boy and slowly grabbed him from his waist, trying to get him to stay

"Would you like to meet my parents on Christmas Eve, maybe?"- The curly haired boy suggested a little bit shyly.

"Eh-Oh!, Haz I would love to but I can't sorry, I have to be with my family it's my birthday"

"It's your WHAT?"

"My birthday"

"You were born on Christmas eve?!-the alpha replied, astonished.

" Uh, yeah"- Louis replied, not really understanding his boyfriend's amusement.

" My boyfriend is basically Jesus Christ, and I DIDN'T KNOW?!"- Harry kept rambling about his boyfriend's birthday which he didn't know why he hadn't been informed about.

The omega giggled so much his eyes wrinkled and he kept making those adorable laughing sounds his soon-to-be alfa loved, this was Harry's favorite sight for sure.

"Stupid alpha"- the brunette replied, still giggling madly.

"Am not!"- the curly head defended himself.

"But you are though"

"Okay baby but know seriously"- the alpha said, trying to get to the point of whatever he was saying, that was something that would rarely happen, the couple always kept forgetting everything they had to do because they were so obsessed with each other.

" How about.. I meet your family that consist only of 932 people on your birthday, which, by the way, thank you for not telling me about and-"

"Oh my god don't be dramatic we are not 932 members"- the little boy replied trying to hold in his laughter and to sound annoyed with the alpha.

" Well, thats discussable, as I was saying, we could meet your family the 24th and my family at new years"

"You know what, love?"- the blue eyed omega adorably asked.

"What?"- the alpha replied back.

"That's probably the best suggestion you have ever done in your life"- the omega exclaimed, and little did he know those events were about to change his life completely, once again.

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