They returned to the bonfire area to prepare breakfast after ensuring that Jihyo was safe. Nayeon and Jeongyeon, fueled by their successful discovery of Jihyo, set about gathering the other members. When Nayeon suggested calling them, they both took out their phones and made the necessary calls.

Tzuyu awoke slowly, her eyes blinking open as the delicious barbeque aroma reached her nose. She became aware of her surroundings and realized she was still cocooned in Sana's warm embrace. Tzuyu was hungry, but she didn't try to break free from Sana's embrace because she didn't want to deal with a whiny Sana when she realized Tzuyu wasn't there when she awoke. She smiled as she remembered the promise, she had made to Sana the night before.

Tzuyu had whispered, "I'll be here when you wake up," her voice filled with love and devotion. And, true to her word, she had stayed, savoring this private moment between them.

Tzuyu moved slightly, shifting her position to get a better view of her beloved without disturbing Sana's peaceful sleep. She took in the scene in front of her, noticing the gentle rise and fall of Sana's chest with each breath, the soft strands of hair framing her face, and the serene expression on her features.

Tzuyu's heart beat grew faster as she reached out to brush a strand of hair off Sana's brow.

"Why do you think you have to be so perfect?" Tzuyu mumbled happily, her voice barely audible. With her index finger, she traced the contours of Sana's face, her touch delicate and feather-light, afraid of disturbing her slumber. Her finger traced the elegant bridge of Sana's nose after gliding over her forehead.

Tzuyu's love for Sana overflowed with each gentle touch, filling her with a profound sense of happiness. Tzuyu playful bopped her finger three times on the tip of Sana's nose, each bop accompanied by a whispered affirmation of love. "Love, you, Sana," Tzuyu murmured, her voice soft and tender.

Tzuyu had a broad grin on his face. Tzu then traced Sana's pink lips with feather touches, unable to stop herself. Her touches became slower, and her thumb briefly rested on Sanas lip valley and her pupils began to dilate with various thoughts running on her mind. But her thoughts were cut short by a sharp pain shooting through her thumb. Tzuyu's thumb was bit by the sleeping squirrel.

Tzuyu drew her hand back, stunned and perplexed. "Ouch!" she shouted, shaking her hand to relieve the discomfort. Sana blinked open her eyes, a mischievous grin on her face. Sana had been awake the entire time and she couldn't take it any longer, especially after Tzuyu said, 'love you, Sana.'

"Since when did this 'cold Tzuyu' become so mushy?" Sana asked, unable to stop laughing after witnessing Tzuyu's surprised reaction. Tzuyu simply stared at Sana.

"You were so cute that I wanted to squeeze your cheeks and steal a kiss from your lips," Sana teased, her voice soft and loving. Tzuyu's cheeks flushed in embarrassment, and she covered her entire face with her hands, whining cutely.

"Aaaaahh... Sana, please stop." Sana's smile widened as she was captivated by Tzuyu's adorable response. She couldn't resist the urge to bring Tzuyu into her embrace, wrapping her hands around her back and gently cradling her.

Sana leaned in more closely, "My adorable tall Yoda," she whispered, her steamy breath brushing against Tzuyu's ear as she kissed Tzuyu's neck.

Just then, Sana's phone rang, breaking up the tender moment. Sana reluctantly let go of her embrace and reached for her phone. Jeongyeon was calling. Tzuyu mentally thanked Jeongyeon for unintentionally ruining the embarrassing situation.

Sana grabbed her phone and swiped across her display to answer the call. "Hey, Jeongyeon," she said with a friendly smile.

Jeongyeon's voice on the other end of the line popped with playful energy. "Hey, Sleeping Beauty, I see you've finally decided to get up up, huh?"

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