Chapter 5

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The early morning sun cast a golden glow over the campsite, gently luring the sleepy residents out of their slumber. Birds chirped happily, their sweet melodies serving as a cheerful wake-up call. Nayeon slowly stirred in one of the tents, her eyes blinking open to the soft light filtering through the fabric.

As Nayeon shifted in her sleeping bag, she became aware of something heavy resting on her chest. Jeongyeon was still sound asleep, nestled comfortably on top of her, drooling on her chest, when she looked down. Nayeon's eyes widened in surprise, a mix of irritation and amusement tugging at her lips.

"Jeongyeon-ah, please wake up!" Nayeon sighed and pushed Jeongyeon's shoulder. Jeongyeon jerked awake, losing her balance in the process. She stumbled backward and landed on her butt, groaning in pain. Nayeon winced sympathetically, trying not to laugh.

"What's the matter?" Jeongyeon mumbled as she rubbed her sore backside. Her eyes widened as she realized her rather despicable situation. "Wait, did I trip? How could that have happened?"

Nayeon couldn't stop herself from laughing, letting out a series of hearty chuckles. "Well, Jeongyeon, it seems you were so cozy sleeping on top of me that you forgot about the laws of gravity," Nayeon teased, her eyes twinkling with delight.

Jeongyeon squinted in annoyance and muttered groggily, "Why did you disturb my sleep? I was fast asleep, and you were a good sturdy pillow." Her voice was hoarse from sleeping.

Nayeon's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she shifted her gaze away as she mumbled softly, "Um, that sturdy pillow you're referring to... are my bo- boobs." Her face flushed as she realized the gravity of her statement. Jeongyeon's eyes widened in surprise, and her drowsiness vanished in an instant. She sat up abruptly, like a robot waking up, and announced that she was going to begin her morning routine.

Nayeon just smiled, her cheeks flushed with shyness, and watched Jeongyeon stumble out of the tent.

Jeongyeon finished her morning routine and strolled back to the campsite. As she approached, she noticed Nayeon approaching her with a worried expression on her face. Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow, prompting Nayeon to exclaim, "Jihyo is missing! I can't seem to locate her anywhere near our tent!"

Jeongyeon's initial calmness faded, and her eyes widened with concern. They both began searching frantically, their voices echoing through the forest as they called out the younger ones name. Minutes turned into anxious moments, but Jihyo was nowhere to be found. Panic set in, and their search became increasingly frantic.

As the minutes passed, their anxiety grew, and they found themselves in a blame game, pointing fingers at one another for Jihyo's disappearance.

Jeongyeon stated that Jihyo ran away because Nayeon had put away the toilet paper the night before, causing Jihyo to venture to the lake and be attacked by bears. Nayeon argued that Jihyo had gone to wash off the hot coffee that Jeongyeon had spilled on her, only to run into a bear in the process. Both of their allegations resulted in Jihyo being attacked by a bear. Their conversation became more and more illogical.

Suddenly, their attention turned to an unforeseen sound—an unmistakable snoring—in the midst of their nonsensical argument. They exchanged puzzled looks, their arguments temporarily forgotten. They were led to one of the Mystery Inc Scooby-Doo vans nearby after hearing the sound. They squished their faces against the glass window, curious and excited, only to see Jihyo resting peacefully, totally oblivious of the commotion she had caused.

Jihyo appeared pure and baby-like to 2yeon. Nayeon and Jeongyeon decided not to disrupt Jihyo's peaceful slumber, cooing and hugging each other in relief. Instead, they photographed their sleeping friend to tease her later.

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