Chapter 4

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Tzuyu decided to go to Sana's tent, carrying a platter of food. The path to Sana's tent took her past the other four tents, each of which revealed something about her unnies' personalities and styles.

As she approached Chaeyoung and Mina's tent, she couldn't help but notice how cozy it was. The interior was illuminated by soft, warm lights that cast a soothing glow. Their laughter echoed through the fabric, conveying a sense of lightheartedness and shared intimacy. Tzuyu couldn't help but smile, recognizing the depth of their bond.

Her attention was then drawn to Momo and Dahyun's individual tent. Tzuyu could see Dahyun's silhouette moving around, her actions driven by the turmoil of her own emotions. The tent seemed to display contemplation, a place for profound conversations and self-reflection. Tzuyu couldn't help but wonder about the mysteries concealed within the tent's walls.

As she got closer to the fourth tent, which belonged to 3mix. A strange odor reached Tzuyu's nose from afar, causing her to wrinkle it in confusion. The source of the odor became clear as she approached. It appeared that a gang of mischievous forest monkeys had taken up residence in their tent, leaving a distinct and slightly off-putting odor. She decides to ignore these for the time being because she has an important person to deal with.

Tzuyu's gaze finally settled on Sana's tent, which she had been eagerly approaching.

Sana's tent was completely dark. The inner darkness mirrored the emotions she knew Sana was feeling: sadness, hurt, and confusion. With her hands full, however, opening the tent became a comical struggle.

"Aish... what the hell." Tzuyu tried to balance the food platter on one hand, but it proved impossible.

Determined to enter, her mind devised an unusual method.

"There's only one way to open it," she resorted to unzipping the tent with her mouth, resulting in awkward contortions and muffled grunts.

Sana was deep in her slumber when she was startled awake by the commotion outside her tent. Her hazy mind struggled to make sense of the strange noises and the shadowy figure lurking in the shadows. Her sleepy gaze widened in alarm as her heart raced with fear. It looked like a bear, a weird bear; no, more like a weird alien bear trying to open her tent.

Aish, Sana... You shouldve listened to Chaeyoung when she was talking about how to fight a bear she scolded herself. Panic gripped her as she clutched the closest thing she could find, a sauce pan, ready to defend herself from the unknown intruder.

The tents zip began to open a bit and with a rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins, Sana mustered all her strength and swung the pan with all her might, the metallic clang echoing through the night. She landed with a solid thud, which caused a sharp pain in her hand. But as her sleepy haze faded, she realized she'd hit something, or rather someone.

Tzuyu cried out in agony, clutching her aching head, but miraculously managed to keep her grip on the food, determined not to spill any of it. Tzuyu landed on her butt, a bewildered expression on her face as she blinked quickly, trying to regain her bearings. Tzuyu's eyes welled up with tears as a result of the physical pain. Sana's eyes widened as she recognized the victim of her rash attack.

"Tzuyu...? What are you doing here?" "Are you all right?" Sana exclaimed, rushing to Tzuyu's side, her face filled with concern. She cradled Tzuyu's head gently and offered support, the worry in her eyes softening her normally bright gaze.

Tzuyu struggled to find words in the midst of her pain, still reeling from the unexpected blow. Her head throbbed, and she couldn't help but make a pained sound that sounded like a cross between a whimper and a comical yelp. In that split second, she felt as if she had traveled through a million Satzu universes and back.

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