The price I pay becuase of you

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As I sit bound and gagged in a cold dark basement I cant help but wonder how easy things would be for the both of us if you didnt shut me up and smother me but instead im forced to face these

demons that wont go away. I am terrified, helpless, and defenseless, and even though you know that, you still left me here alone to fend for myself. Well guess what? i cant. Until you decide to

stop being selfish and set me free, I am a prisoner of your hipocrisy. Dont try and act like I brought this upon myself when in reality you came to try and snuff the light out me. Becuase of you sometimes

I wonder why you decided to give life to me if you were just going to lock me inside a metal cage. You make me feel like I created my own prison when really I just fell for your illusion of

complete freedom and love. I should have known it was too good to be true. Because of you I cant love my self completely because at the end of every night you leave my lying in my bed

feeling sick to my stomach and make me want to hurt the parts of me you wont let me change. Everyday I hope that these feelings would go away but the pain just stays and it forces me to live on

with the ache of knowing that I cant change what I hate. This ache that you made makes me so umcomfortable that sometimes I really wish I could just jump off a building. You've caused me

so much umcomfort and pain that when im put in those situations I really wish i could just stop feeling pain and throw it all away for a nice coffin and a grave.

The Dark Ages Volume 2 [Formerly "A Somebody's Journey"]Where stories live. Discover now