Washed up celebrity - (unreleased & unfinished)

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Sitting there in my loser chair when a wave washes over me and suddenly I'm drowning. Splashing, flailing, my arms trying to get help, trying to catch a breath, when it all goes away.

Everything's wet and I'm coughing up
water. I crawl to a corner where I can curl up into a ball and cry. Cry until my eyes are dry, cry until a tide has formed in front of my eyes. I never wanted to

be in this corner. Not in a million years.
I used to have a home where the good ones roamed. A home where I was never alone. A home that acknowledged me. I used to be a

celebrity back at my home people loved me and I loved them back. There was not a single soul in that home that thought less of me. Now, I'm just a washed up celebrity. Always

panicking and crying. I'm just a broken piece of what I used to be. No one cares about me or what I think, no one thinks to check on me, and now I've learned that no one is supposed to care about

me. There was that time where I felt so alive, and now is the time where I've never felt so dead. Everything the universe throws at me is a mockery of what I used be.

The Dark Ages Volume 2 [Formerly "A Somebody's Journey"]Where stories live. Discover now