You Can't Change The Past

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Though everything is joyful and bright it starts to darken and turn bleak. Suddenly I realize how bland the world is without you. I start to reminisce on a time where the future didn't seem so

dark and bleak. There's a part of me that patient and steady but there's another part that's impatient and yearning to talk to you. Sometimes I remember that day where it felt like

The ground broke apart and a fault so big and deep split us up. Sometimes I wish I could go back and change what happened before that day but the realize it was already too late anyway.

The damage had been done. That day started a chain reaction like any other.
That day was what led to Chernobyl's accident. We built and ran our own nuclear plant only to let one small

detail slip through the crack causing the explosion of the century. You tried to warn me but I didn't listen and I got what I deserved. Karma bite me hard
I knew I should've listened but I was

reckless. What happened that day still eats at my heart and brain today. Sometimes I feel like I was meant to go down another timeline to keep you.
My health for our ship. I think about

It now and then but quickly realize that my health is important. though, I value you more, it's a sacrifice I had to make to live in this perfect time. Alas, it's not the same without you. I'm still trying to

find a way to get you back in time but for now I will try harder. Sometimes I wonder if this is just a dream and while we were talking at lunch in 3rd grade we got lost and started to daydream

about out whole life. It's gonna be a month now and still can't believe the damage that has been done. I wish bad that we there staring at that tree again.
The pain I feel is deafening. Knowing

what I did that day makes we want to build a time machine to change today, because if only I knew the damage I would cause today, maybe I could've been more cautious before it was taken

all away.

The Dark Ages Volume 2 [Formerly "A Somebody's Journey"]Where stories live. Discover now