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Though it might seem I like I don't, I worked hard to get to the level of craft I'm at. It may seem like I don't care but I do, In fact I nurture the things that  care for me. I've worked for six years so

far perfecting my craft and I'm still working hard. You have barley worked for as long as I have. You have barley scratched the surface of the craft. You may think

you are so high and mighty but, who am I kidding, it's just the jealousy talking. The ugly demon inside me. I barley show it but it's there. It's there. Raging, crashing, and corroding against

the walls of my heart. I don't mean to sound arrogant and over confident but it hurts. It hurts to know that you've been working hard for years and still
Working only to see someone scratch

the surface and explode.

The Dark Ages Volume 2 [Formerly "A Somebody's Journey"]Where stories live. Discover now