Death of a Freindship

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I remember that one odd day when I was grouped with an odd girl that had no sense of direction or originality. She acted so odd I thought she was crazy. One day I was paired up with the odd

girl so I did what I did best, make a friend. As it would turn out we were both odd and lost in this great vast sea called life. Even though we were odd and lost it didn't matter as long as we

had each other. We mentored one another, teaching each other how to survive and trudge through the great sea. Soon, a year had past and we were still navigating this great big sea

together when we got separated. Neither of us lost hope and in the end it paid off because our hope would find us and give us the gift of new ways to

communicate and enjoy spending time with each other. After another year in the great big sea, we got lost between the great waves. This time everything was so uncertain that even hope

hope couldn't bring us back together. I started to lose faith thinning I would never see that odd girl again but fate would prove me wrong. One day while sitting, staring at the same four walls

and a screen, I found you. We started communicating using an ancient technique catching up and making up for lost time. Another year later, and the waves started to test me. I being

was tested like a weathered flag that's by the sea. I pushed so close to the edge that I thought I would fall but you were there save me. You got me through a lot  and I owe you. I still do, but I i just don't

know how I can with the wave that killed us. Of course another year passed by and everything was alright. I saw you getting close to the edge so I reached out so you won't fall and so I

could repay you for how much you've help me but when I was bringing back to safe waters a wave so big it was hope crushing and it killed us. I tried to contact you but you didn't answer.

I was still full of hope and then I received you message. Ignorant humans caused this. Ignorant humans separated us because of me. I am something that they all hate because of

their ignorance. There is a stigma against my kind who identify and express themselves using different signs. Signs far different from their black and white straight lined.

This stigma killed us.



                            HERE LIES

                       TWO ODD BALLS

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