Chapter 17 another nightmare

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Narrator: it was another night time in lothal where everyone had fallen sleep on their rooms well... except for one which perhaps to sleep on the couch since it felt nice. All of the sudden Ezra starts to move around.

Ezra dreams beings

Ezra was a six years old orphan who's parents had died from being protected by him. He was in the larger ship full of stormtroopers and droids that aren't or were nice one of the stormtrooper throws the poor kid into the cells room Ezra felt getting scared so he had ended up hiding on the ground soon or later he had a dream where he became a monster who kills hundreds of stormtroopers and droid after escaping from the werid jail Ezra runs towards the hover create full of food and got into it without realizing he put the lid over his head and soon the hover crater being to fall and landed safely on the ground after that everyone started to torture the poor boy.

End of nightmare

Ezra woke up gasping for air so he just hugged himself  until it was daylight.

The next morning

When it was the next morning everyone had woken up from there sleep and getting ready for today. So one by one everyone got out of their rooms and went into the kitchen to fixed themselves breakfast not long after they had spotted Ezra wide awake. Ezra? Said kanan, Ezra hasn't moved from his place or even speak. Zeb went over towards Ezra wondering what happened to his friend. You alright? He asked Ezra, if you look closely Ezra hasn't been able to sleep last night plus his body was shivering. Hera walked over to where zeb and Ezra. Soon she touched Ezra hair which resulted to him flinching at the the touch and looking at Hera. It's okay just us she spoke softly nobody gonna hurt you she said again. Ezra nodded his head but stays in one spot not daring to move., zeb picks up Ezra and took him to his room. Ezra was shock and eventually had finally spoken "what about your food"? Asked Ezra, it can wait replied zeb. Ezra lays his head down on zeb shoulder was it a nightmare? Said zeb. Ezra answered back saying yea *tears drops on zeb's shoulder* sorry said Ezra, I don't mind zeb answers back.

In zeb cabin.........

Once zeb puts Ezra on his bunk bed Ezra was trying to stay wake from his previously unknown dream. So zeb climbs into his bed with Ezra since zeb put Ezra on his bottom bunk instead of the top bunk. Soon after that Ezra clinch onto zeb arm and instantly falls asleep while zeb did the same.

Next chapter dream tells story's

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