Gods and Monster:1 (bucky)

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Warnings: first date miscommunication, fluff? (Idk if it would be consider that but they're cute), cursing, family drama, oral (M&F receiving), bad writing

A/n: hi, this is my first story and it's probably gonna be really bad so bare with me. I tried. 😭😭 I didn't describe her mom so the story can be more inclusive. The only real description is that she's female. Percy Jackson AU kinda? I added Norse gods😭 italics are their thoughts. And yeah the title is a lana del rey song🤭 if y'all like this I might make a second part with sexy times hehe🤭 not beta'd so all mistakes are my own.

Bucky BarnesxFem!reader
he looks her up and down, kinda staring

"Hi" she says a bit awkwardly "I'm y/n" she extends her hand to him. He shakes her hand, he has a soft, strong grip and soft, warm hands.
"Bucky! Nice to meet ya. You new or have I just been really unobservant?".

"The latter I suppose" she laughs shyly "I've been here for over a year".

"Jeez, and I'm just now meeting you? The hell's wrong with me?" he looks ashamed of himself.

"To be fair I mostly keep to myself" she shuffles awkwardly "so yeah" she smiles slightly blushing.

"Well, now that I have met you, I'm gonna try to change that. How you liking camp?" He gives her a kind smile.

"It's nice I guess" she looks around "lots of....strange people"

He nods "Well, I would expect that from camp half blood." He smiles warmly at her. "And if anyone is being a jerk, tell me. They'll get what's coming to 'em." That's a promise.

She smiles at him "Thank you Bucky".

"No problem. Hey, what's your favorite thing to do around camp?" Maybe we could hang out sometime, if her schedule isn't too tight. Bucky's free most of the time, though he does have shifts at the infirmary and lessons to teach

"Weapons training probably" She sighs looking at her hands "Though I don't really need weapons when I have these".

"Whoa. You've got powers?" He looks at her almost in awe "that's pretty cool. Which, um, which god is your parent?".

"Thor" she answers a bit ashamed.

"Thor, huh? What's your best power?" He gets closer to her. "Can you do any cool tricks? Like, um, lightning? That's what Thor's the god of, right?"

She rolls her eyes "yep, that's my dad. And yeah, I have all his powers" "unfortunately" she mutters quietly "How about you?" She looks a him curiously.

"Artemis. She's pretty cool, I like deer. And the moon," he says with a little smile. "But the best perk is probably how I'm a really good hunter. I've been training since I was eight. I can actually kill a demigod with one of these," he shows her the golden bow he slings around himself. "Pretty cool, huh?".

"Woah! Your mom is Artemis. That's so fucking awesome" she exclaims in pure awe

He chuckles at her enthusiasm, "thank you." He smiles proudly, "you think that's awesome? The whole camp is dedicated to her. And all of the cabins are named after her family - Apollo, Orion, Callisto- it's really kind of insane."
"You must be really popular around here then"
"I suppose so, I have quite a few friends." he answers.
"You know my dad really wouldn't like me hanging around you" she says.

He seems a bit shocked why wouldn't her dad want us together "why not?".

"Old rivalry with your grandpa. Fighting over who is actually the better Lightning god".

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