2. beauty

17 0 0

Aurora Gonzalez

The group and I have been walking around the mall for about 3 hours now and my mom texted me that it was time to meet up.

"Hey guys I have to go my mom just texted me to meet her and my brother" i say having 2 bags in my hand.

"Oh alright I'll walk you over there it's not so far" Jorden says holding the rest of my bags which is a good six different bags.

"Alright let's go bye guys" i say hugging everyone.

"So where are you going" Jorden asked me looking down at me.

"Oh my mom went with Cam and the sandlot boy downtown and told me to meet them over there" i say making eye contact with him the whole time

I see him roll his eyes as i mentioned the sandlot boys "oh Cam still talks to those idiots" he says laughing a bit.

"Hey they aren't idiots i like them they are cool" i say looking forward.

Jorden and the sandlot boys have never had a good relationship i never really knew why but I had somewhat of an idea. Jorden and Cam are on good terms even tho Cam hangs out with them thankfully, if not our friendship would have ended a long time ago.

We just keep talking about what we are gonna be doing this summer and making plans to hangout as well until we made it downtown so I texted my mom where she was and she said at Starbucks so I walked over there and saw all the boys at one table and my mom at another talking to some lady.

Benny Rodriguez

the rest of the boys and I were laughing about some random things while we waiting for Aurora to come. That's when I saw her but then next to her was Jorden Phillips the biggest asshole i know.

"Hey guys" Aurora says putting the bags she had in her hands down on the floor.

"Hey hun Hi Phillips" Cams mom says to the two teenagers standing in front of us.

"Hello Mrs. G I just came with Aurora bc she bought a lot of things and didn't want her to carry them all the way over here" Phillips says and I just roll my eyes.

"Oh Phillips you know you can call me Olivia but thank you so much sweetheart" Aurora mom says while giving Phillips a warm smile.

"Yeah I know I just like to call you Mrs. G but no problem just wanted her to come over here safe I'll leave this here because i have to get going bye guys" he says giving Aurora and her mom a hug and dabing up Cam before leaving.

"Thanks bye" Aurora says hugging back and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

My blood boils yeah I know she does that to a lot of her friends she has done it at least once to each boy on the team but every time that she does my stomach has a funny feeling.

I was just in my thought when Mrs. Gonzalez spoke "alright come on guys let's go to the car bye Jane" while getting up from the table she was sitting at with a lady around her age.

Aurora was picking up her bags so I went up to her and grabbed most of them "thanks" she says with a smile.

"No problem" I say smiling back.

Her smile is so gorgeous I could look at it all day if I could, no wonder ever boy at our school has fallen for her not only because of her beauty but also because she isn't a bitch like most of her friends are.

"So what did you guys do today" she says snapping me away my thoughts.

"Oh we went to the movies and a gaming store" I say walking right beside her while everyone is walking in front of us both.

"Oh sounds fun" she says looking at the floor.

We make to the car and we all sit down it was a big car so thankfully we weren't all cramped.

I sat all the way in the back with Aurora and Kenny, Aurora was in the middle of the both of us and we were just talking about what we should do when we get home Aurora suggested we go into the pool and all of us agree.

Aurora Gonzalez

We got home and I asked Benny if he could take my bags up to my room and he said yes.

I helped him with some bags and then we went back downstairs where the boys were.

"Are we going into the pool or not" i asked the boys sitting on the couch.

"I would but I don't have any shorts" smalls says and they all say the same.

"It's fine I think you guys can fit into mine" Cameron says walking up the stair to his room telling them to follow him.

I go up stairs and change into a baby pink two piece and head to the pool where everyone already was.

When I got there everyone was staring except for my brother of course.

"My eyes are up here you know" i say laughing going to the edge of the pool putting my legs in.

They turn red and say sorry i said it was alright and went inside the water.

"Let's play chicken right" I say standing inside the pool.

"Alright I'm down who's with who" Kenny asked

We got the teams together and it was Cameron with Yeah-Yeah, Bertram with Timmy, Kenny with me, Ham with Squints, and Benny with Smalls Tommy didn't want to play because we were gonna be in the deep end and he didn't know how to swim.

We play a couple rounds and me and Kenny won of course.

We are just playing in the pool for about 5 hours and then we got out.

"What movie we watching" Ham says coming into the living room with a Pepsi and some chips.

"Can we watch the summer I turned pretty pleaseeee" i said sitting down next to smalls.

"No" Cameron says sitting next to Kenny

I roll my eyes and we decided to watch *your favorite movie* which I wasn't mad about but it's whatever.

Once the movie was done almost everyone was asleep except for Kenny and Benny.

"Well imma go up to my room goodnight guys" i say whispering so I won't wake up the other guys.

"night Rory" "goodnight rora" kenny and Benny say at the same time before they also start to close their eyes.

I get up to my room and check my phone to see if anyone texted me and I see.

Goodnight rora🫶🏼

I texted him goodnight as well and went into my bathroom took my makeup off, did my skin care, and put my pjs on which were just some shorts and a big shirt and headed to bed.

Words: 1170

A/N: ok that's chapter two I'm going to be updating very slowly i don't know who Aurora is going to end with yet but yeah give me some ideas for future chapters bc i needs help but school starts next week and I'm so sad🥲 but byeee.

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