Will (rightfully) has a mental breakdown

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TW: (Sorry I keep forgetting these) Kidnapping, panic attacks, hyperventilating, mentions of murder, very slight implications of SA (not really but kinda)

Sorry for the short chapter btw ❤️ 

Will POV (aka the clumsy cashier, aka blondie, aka the pretty human boy)

My head hurts. Actually my whole body hurts, or more exactly stings. It's a sort of numb, your leg fell asleep, kind of sting, except, across my whole body.


Something's wrong.

Something's very wrong.

I'm supposed to be at work right now, so why am I in what feels quite like a bed. My eyes shoot open. Okay, this is definitely not right.

I look around me, trying my best not to freak out, not yet at least.

The room is pretty big, but doesn't have much in it other than the obnoxiously large gothic looking bed I'm in, a toilet (in a bedroom?) a small closet in the corner, a chair and desk, and what looks like a mini fridge.

The furniture is all mix-matched and not a single piece of it matches the grey stone walls. The walls are barren and slightly crumbling by the looks of the small pile of rubble on the floor. There's no windows (which is concerning) but there's a large metal door in the middle of the farthest wall. It's completely solid with no handle and no window.

In the back of my mind I know I've probably been kidnapped but the rest of my brain refuses to believe it. I slowly get out of the bed.

My head immediately starts spinning as I stand and I have to sit down again. I don't know how I got here, but I was definitely drugged.

I try to think back to the last thing I can remember. I was at work, on my phone I'm ashamed to say, because no one was there at the time. Then Twinkie boy walked in and I apologised for asking for his phone number.

Gods that was so embarrassing... Wait.

Holy ship.

Twinkie boy kidnapped me, he shot me with some blowdart thing and kidnapped me.

I force myself up and over to the door despite the shooting pain throughout my body. I push as hard as I can, using my full body weight, but the door doesn't budge, I try pulling it by grabbing at the edges. Nothing.

I can feel myself shaking. I want to scream but my throat is suddenly too tight to let even a squeak out. This isn't real, it's a crazy nightmare I'm having because I got rejected by a cute guy.

I slowly lower myself down on the cold ground. A tear drops onto my legs as I pull them up to hug them. Please no. This can't be real. Tears start pouring out of my eyes, it stings, and hurts my head even worse, but I can't stop.

Soon I'm hyperventilating, air coming in with tight, quick sucks and leaving as desperate sobs. I'm gonna die. I'm going to die here, and the worst part is nobody will even care.

My mom passed of cancer long ago, and I haven't had friends since middle school. In fact the only one who'll care when I drop dead is Diego, the guy who owns the gas station, and only because he'll need to hire a new cashier.

Oh gods, I'm gonna die with $100k in student dept.

Out of the corner of my blurry vision I notice that the huge metal door is open.

I wipe my eyes real quick and look up, my eyesight might be messed up from the crying but I'd recognise him anywhere. Standing by the door is Twinkie boy.

I'm instantly standing out of pure terror, and start walking slowly, backing into a the corner.

Which is probably stupid, but I'm not exactly thinking straight (he never is but yk).

I stare at the boy, my eyes are wide, and I'm shaking even more than before. In any other situation I'd be embarrassed to have such a handsome guy see me in such a state, but he just kidnapped me so I have bigger things to worry about.

He looks at me the way someone would look at a shivering puppy in the rain, and guilty. Im sure that means something but right now I'm too scared to wonder what.

He doesn't move any closer but he bends down until he's at my eye level. I flinch. I can hear my teeth chattering, making a little noise every time they slam together. My captor opens his mouth, then closes it, and opens it again.

"I'm not going to hurt you..." he finally says, his voice is soft and low but cracks as he speaks, as though he's on the verge of tears or a breakdown.

Not going to hurt me? Did he take me for ransom then? Or.... A far worse thought pops into my head and I push myself further into the corner.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't think you'd mind" I look up at him.

He looks serious.

He's freaking serious.

I laugh. I can't help it.

It's so crazy and stupid and makes no sense. The laugh quickly turns into a hysterical fit of laughter and hiccups which ends up turning into sobs.

"I'm so so sorry. I-I'm going to leave now " he's staring at his shoes, and his voice is hardly audible over the sound of my hiccups and pounding heart. I feel like a dog backed into a corner. The kidnapper slowly backs away, going through the door without turning his back to me, and closing it gently behind him.

I pull my legs back up to my chest in a tight hug. After awhile my breathing finally slows and I'm able to stop crying.

My head hurts even worse now from crying but I feel a little better. I move back onto the bed since the floor is freezing my legs. I'm not safe here. I don't trust that he won't hurt me, and even if he doesn't there are certainly worse things I can think of. I'm also exhausted, and thirsty, and still a little bit drugged. 

Theres a lot of problems for me right now, but the only one I can really fix is being exhausted, so despite all the terrible thoughts racing in through my head I try my best to fall sleep. 

A/N: First some bad news, school is starting up again, so unfortunately I will be uploading less often. I should be able to do once a week if I had to guess. Also I've been told that the whole familiar thing might be confusing, so in this AU a Familiar= a magical servant that serves a single bloodline until that bloodline dies off, when the bloodline dies so do they. They are human like but don't need food water or to go to the bathroom. So yeah. Thanks for reading, I hope this helps <3 

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