(Jane posing with designs from The Fool, 1967)

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(Jane posing with designs from The Fool, 1967)

Marijke regularly visited Paul at nearby Cavendish Avenue, giving the Beatle private Tarot readings.

Marijke: Life went on and Paul McCartney invited us to his house on Cavendish Avenue several times to listen to the new songs he was working on in his home music studio.

Howard Sounes: One thing led to another and they ended up in bed.

Marijke: Paul and I were very attracted to each other right from the start of our meeting. The sparks were flying every time we met which disconcerted Simon of course. After Simon’s escapades I felt no qualms however but he did not think what was good for the gander was good for the goose and he had the nerve to tell Paul to lay off.

Howard Sounes: Simon guessed something was going on between Paul and his girlfriend - "Paul and Marijke were very good friends - they had this electricity" - and stormed into Cavendish one morning to confrot Paul. He found the Beatle in his kitchen eating breakfast and reading his fan mail. "What the fuck is going on?" Simon yelled. Paul admitted the affair. He said he couldn't help it, and gave Simon to understand that Jane had found out, too. "He had a problem, with Jane, of course ... There was also hurt on Jane's side." The men agreed that the affair would end, and they remained friends, just about. Not long afterwards, Simon and Marijke took LSD with Paul, a strange and disturbing trip for Simon, the drug serving to make the Dutchman intensely aware of what had transpired between Paul and his girlfriend. "That was a tough trip."

(Marijke in 1967, photographed by Linda Eastman)

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(Marijke in 1967, photographed by Linda Eastman)

In addition to Marijke, Paul continued his relationship of almost a year and a half with Maggie McGivern.

Jane Asher and Paul McCartney (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now