3, chapstick

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.



0:24                                                       3:38

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"hey [name]! wait up!" you turned back once hear your name come out of the blonde boy's lips.

kise quickly ran towards you while you stopped in your tracks to let the model catch up to you. he was wearing a white plain t-shirt with some black shorts, his hair all sweaty and he had this fire in his eyes to come and talk to you.

"hmm? did you need something kise?" you tilted your head in such a curious way. once kise finally reached you, it felt like he loss his sight of the goal he originally had in mind and was focused on how cute you looked at that very moment.

you had your hair up in a messy bun with small baby hairs flying around your face. a set of sliver, dangling earrings on your ear swifted along with your head and any small movement you made. your [eye color] eyes full of curiosity and beauty.

but if there's one thing kise noticed the most, it was your lips. your lips were slightly apart from each other, letting air escape every few seconds. but they were mainly dry, have you not drinkin' any water lately?

"kise? hellooo? anyone home?" you proceeded to wave your hand in front of the boy. kise was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't even realized he was just staring at you.

you let out a sigh, thinking what you should do to bring kise back down to earth. but then a small thought popped up.

"you know that one guy i introduced to you on your first day on the job, right?"

"hmmm, i believe his name was kise.. i think." you recall the tall, golden blonde boy from that day. he was very nice to you and one of the most prettiest guys you've ever seen.

"well, ever since you left, the dude has been asking for you. but i have to keep telling him that you're at work in the basketball gym. i guess he might have a thing for a girl like you since he started to train for the team now." ayaka explained.

"huh?? kise is apart of the basketball club now?" your eyes widen as you paused yourself.

you and ayaka's conversation from a few days ago came into mind. you looked away from kise for a bit and brought a finger near your chin. in theory, if kise does have a thing for you, wouldn't mentioning another boy wake him up?

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