003-Like fucking spiderman

Start from the beginning

"Does she know about him?" She hears Stiles question Scott.

Scott's eyes widen when he realises he has no idea if Allison knows about her dad or not. "Oh, yeah, I don't know! What if she does? This is gonna kill me, man-"

Stiles forces Scott to look at him and speaks to him in a reassuring tone as he cuts off Scott's new thoughts. "Okay, just focus on lacrosse. Okay?" Stiles picks up the rest of his lacrosse gear and thrusts it into Scott's hands. "Here, Scott. Take this. Take this, and focus on lacrosse for now, Okay? That's all you gotta do, Yeah?"

Scott takes a deep breathe and reluctantly nods in agreement. "Lacrosse."

Stiles also nods, however in encouragement. He firmly pats Scott on the arms as he punctures the next words. "Here. We. Go."

Camilla, now bored with the conversation, stands from the bench and walks to the boys. She pushes them forwards towards the door and says in a bored tone, "C'mon superstars."


Camilla watches as Stiles drags Scott through the doors of the field and into the locker room. She furrows her eyebrows before following. As she walks in she sees Scott on his knees next to the sink and Stiles following him.


Both Scott and Stiles shoot their head up and Stiles quickly grabs her wrist and throws her down next to Scott. He quickly gets up and locks the door behind her.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Stiles whispers, trying not to bring anyone's attention on the locked locker room.

"You were dragging Scott through the hall like he was a dog, I was intrigued." Cami shrugged. She points down at Scott. "What's wrong with him?"

Stiles hikes his shoulders and crouches down in front of Scott to look him in the eyes. "Scott, you okay?"

Scott finally looks up at the two, his eyes bright gold, and screams at the top of his lungs in desperate panic.


The shock from Scott's shout had both Camilla and Stiles falling back on their heels. They crawl backwards away from Scott as the freshly turned werewolf stalks them. Stiles manages to get to his feet and grabs Cami's hand in order to drag them both behind a row of lockers to safety.

"Ditch the fucking heels for once Camilla!" Stiles lets out. Cami doesn't have time to reply as Scott leaps onto the lockers where they were hiding. Cami slowly looks up to see Scott looking down on them from top, his vision red from the rage. He watches as Stiles once again falls down and drags Cami with him. The end of her new heels snaps however, it goes unnoticed as the two humans are forced to quickly get up and ran around a corner, not taking their eyes off Scott as he crawls to the end of the row.

He pulls himself onto the heating vent like fucking spiderman and uses them to crawl around to track Stiles and Camilla throughout the locker room. Scott's prey circle about the locker room and have just made it back to the entrance, where Stiles bumps into a fire extinguisher as he flails about desperately. Camilla looks at it and gets an idea. She grabs the extinguisher and waits until Scott back down on the floor before spraying him with it.

This surprises and disorients Scott, who covers his face to try and avoid the spray. Once she stops, she grabs Stiles by the back of his neck and drags him behind a locker where they take cover to wait to see what happens next. She clutches the extinguisher tightly and prepares herself to possibly have to do it again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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