11. Eye of the Hurricane.

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   When Lincoln returned home that night he was exhausted.

He'd spent a majority of the afternoon training his endurance. Starting with a lap around the city, before following it up with time trials on the old factory ground, the STAR Labs team had taken him to test his abilities, the day before.

After that, he went back to Kord's Lab and studied up on his Colonial Era history, while the Doctor worked on his power-dampening technology.

Being the only super-human in hand, both Kord and Lincoln took frequent breaks to test the portable device—which the engineer had built into a metal latch collar—on him. Out of the five prototypes Kord had designed while Lincoln was training, the fourth one was the most successful and with a few minor tweaks, it managed to completely suppress his abilities.

It was a strange feeling, losing his powers that he only had for a few days. It still felt like a part of him was missing.

Unfortunately, the drain on the battery was higher than expected and the prototype had an even shorter power supply than Kord had estimated.

He had taken it home for the night to mess with, while Lincoln left at a similar time to get home for family dinner.

The run home was uneventful: No more muggings to stop and he didn't get lost this time.

When he arrived back in Franklin Avenue at half-six, he ducked into Mr Grouse's backyard again and changed back into his normal clothing, stuffing his suit back into the very bottom of his backpack and covering it with the books Lisa had given him just in case one of his sister went snooping through his stuff.

Running a hand through his hair to fix it. The teenager stepped up onto the porch and opened the front door.

"I'm home!" - He shouted, shutting the door behind him with his foot. - "Sorry I'm late."

He heard it before he saw it. Someone was crying. Going into the living room, he saw his entire family, along with Arturo, Maria, Ronnie-Anne and Hector of the Santiago/Casagrande family. Lori was the one crying.

"What happened?"

His oldest sister wiped her face with a tissue provided from a box held by Leni. - "Bobby's missing." - She stuttered out through sobs.

Lincoln stopped dead in his tracks. Bobby was missing. He'd seen him earlier that day- in fact he had even given him the location of where a suspected cop killer was... He may have gotten his brother-in-law killed.

"When?" - He questioned.

Lori tried to explain but her ever increasing sobs were making it hard to understand, so Luna stepped up, having heard the story twice from Lori as she explained it to she and her sisters and their parents and the members of Bobby's family.

Leading him into the kitchen and out of earshot, she began to explain.

"This afternoon. She tried to call him an hour ago to see if he'd be home for dinner tonight, but his phone was disconnected, she tried to call his partner, same thing. Then she called up his precinct, none of the others Officers had heard anything since three, they tracked his Police Scanner, found it shattered on the side of the road." - She finished.

"Have you filled a missing person report, or are other cops looking for him?"

"She said a few members of his unit are looking, but Bobby and his partner left without telling anyone where they were going, so they don't really have much of a lead."

"What now?"

She shrugged and the two siblings just stood in silence, not knowing what to say in a situation such as this. Then their Mother joined them.

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