8. Downpour.

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   Like the previous day, Lincoln again was the first of his family awake and again, he exploited the fact with an extra long shower and the first choice of what was for breakfast again. 

As he was finishing off his second bowl of the good cereal that was usually already gone by the time he arrived at the table, a few of his sisters finally joined him, each of them were still in their bathrobes and Lincoln noticed the bags that had formed under their eyes. It seemed last night's party had done on a number on them.

On the other hand, he felt great even after being one of the last to go bed. Having slept for only about four and a half hours, but feeling as though as he'd been asleep for ten.

Maybe that was another secondary power, 'enhanced sleep'... that as well as 'increased hunger' he pondered, as he filled his bowl for a third time.

As he and Luna and Lana engaged in a bit of small talk, the family's resident genius entered the dining room, a stack of books tucked under her arm, it was a strange sight- not that she was carrying books, but that the books seemed way beneath her.

High School physics. Twelve Grade US History. Of Mice and Men...

"Good morning brother." - She greeted, taking a seat beside him. - "Are you well?"

"Fine... What's with the books?"

"As you know, you were unconscious for a majority of the last academic year, so I took it upon myself to make sure when you woke up, you'd be prepared for your Senior year. I didn't want another one of our family to be held back." - She explained before casting her eyes over to Lynn, who looked so exhausted, it seemed she was about to fall asleep at the table.

"Can it four-eyes." - She fires back, but her tone lacks bite. - "Not my fault that I failed."

"You failed your Senior year?" - Lincoln questioned, having not heard that bit of news yet.

Lynn shrugged. - "Yep. Looks like we'll be classmates this year." - She said, giving Lincoln a smile that didn't seem to reach her eyes.

Lucy shakes her head, before turning back to face her Brother. - "Luckily, you managed to keep high grades all through Freshmen and Sophomore year as well as the various extra credit and clubs you were apart of meant that I was able to convince Principal Rivers you should continue on to your final year of secondary education unimpeded. Fortunately, most of your teachers agreed... some however didn't."

The books in her arms finally made sense. Physics, History and English- his worst classes.

"You have exactly eight days to revise the source material before an assessment exam. If you pass all three, you'll be allowed to continue on to year. If you fail a single test-"

"Let me guess, I'll have to repeat my Junior year. - He finished, having already figured out how important these tests were.

Lisa nodded. - "I suggest you start studying immediately." - Their conversation ended there as Lisa tucked into her own breakfast of fried eggs, so Lincoln- after having disposed off his dirty dishes- gathered up the three books left on the table and headed upstairs.

Dropping them onto his desk, Lincoln took a seat at the chair as he pondered what to do. Should he...

A. Study, so he can finish high-school with his friends and leave Central City like he always had planned to, so he could figure out who he was outside of it, away from his family and the reputation they had.


B.  Go back to STAR Labs, so he could further learn about his new abilities, as well as the others who had different powers like the bank robber from last night.

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