4. New Abilities.

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   Lincoln awoke early the next morning, long before anyone else.

Kicking off his sheets, the teen sat up in bed. For a moment, he just sat and stared out of his window, watching as the birds fluttered across the sky and the sun continued to rise in the distance.

Then it hit him... the lightning- the coma- last night...

Taking a deep breath, the teen rubbed his eyes. Letting his hands drift over his new messy facial-hair.

Getting up, he snatched the small standing mirror that sat on his dresser and used it to examine his face, it was strange seeing any hair on his face and while he had always been jealous of his friends for their ability to do so, now seeing it on his face, he honestly preferred how he looked without it.

He also didn't want to hear any 'old' jokes from his sisters.

Snatching the pack of unopened razors and the bottle of shaving-cream that was still full, even though his Father had bought it for him when he was fourteen, off of his dusty desk, as well as a fresh towel and a pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt from out of his drawers, he began his journey to the bathroom.

However, the moment he stepped out of his bedroom, he nearly tripped over his dog. The black-and-white Pitbull terrier having laid down outside his owner's door, waiting for him to come out.

"Hey, buddy." - The teen greeted, scratching the dog's head.  - "Do you wanna sit in my room, while I go for a shower?"

The dog responded with a bark that Lincoln interpreted as a 'Yes', which was backed up by the fact, that Charles took the first chance to slip through his legs, leap onto his bed and promptly lie down.

Smiling at the sight, Lincoln left the door open a crack for his pet and crossed the hall.

Not taking his rare opportunity as first in the bathroom for granted. The teen took a much longer shower than he normally did, enjoying the surplus of hot water he usually never got to experienced.

Once he had stepped out and dried off, he wiped the steam off of the mirror and picked up the razor. Slowly and carefully, he shaved the fuzz from his face. 

When he was done, he washed his face with some water from the sink and wiped down the mirror which had steamed up again. Pushing his still damp hair out of his face and stared at his reflection- Mostly at his new chiselled yet still lean physique, which he still didn't totally believe.

As he went to flex his arms in the mirror, he accidently knocked over the can of shaving foam, and when he reacted, time seemed to slow once more. As he went to grab it, he noticed something in the mirror, his eyes... they were glowing.

Leaning in, he was able to see the glow was emanating from the veins in his eyes, which were gold instead of red. They sort of looked like forks of yellow lightning.

Knock! Knock! Knock! - "Uh, Hello? Other people live in this house too!" - Lola shouted through the door, spurring Lincoln to swiftly get dressed and gather everything he had brought with him and unlock the Bathroom door. 

Stepping out into the hallway, Lincoln was greeted by three of his sisters, Lola, Luna, Luan and Lily, who'd woken up the earliest and had already lined up for their turn in the bathroom, while some of the others who were just getting up and joining the line.

"Shaved already, bro?" - Luna questioned, as he past by. Taking the spot as head of the line after Lola entered into the Bathroom.

"You got rid of it all." - Luan added. - "Must have been a Claus shave." - She joked.

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