The True Opposite Of Love

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1 month later...

The streets were covered with a white layer of snow, the air cold with the winter's arrival along with the wind that signified an upcoming snowstorm.

I hugged my coat tighter around my body, seeking warmth as I hastily walked through the crowd and headed to the bakery.

Arriving, I wasn't surprised to see a long queue of people eagerly waiting for their turn to be served.

Christmas was near meaning it was time for family and friends, Christmas carols, eating delicious homemade food, sipping on a mug of hot chocolate, and whatever traditions families had on the auspicious occasion.

"Mama, what about the other gingerbread cookies? Won't they feel sad that one of their friends will be going home with me?" The little girl asked her mother as she solemnly looked at her gingerbread cookie.

The mother laughed at her daughter and squatted down to her level. "Not for long dear." She replied, "There'll be other little girls and boys like you who'll take them home as well."

"So they won't be lonely?" The girl asked, her eyes now sparkling with hope.

"No dear, now come along. Your father must be waiting."

The woman pecked her daughter on the cheek and held her hand as they disappeared in the crowd, happily talking about the other gingerbread cookies.

I felt a smile tug at my lips at the cute interaction and headed inside.

The bakery was decorated with different ornaments, the colour scheme green and red while the walls were decorated with Santa Clause stickers, some saying 'Merry Christmas' and others 'Ho Ho Ho'. The air inside was warm and comforting compared to outside where the wind was starting to pick up speed and the snowfall slowly but noticeably getting heavier. It wasn't long before it was my turn and wasn't surprised to see Casper at the counter.

"Took you long enough." She says as she leans on the counter with a smug smile.

I quirk a brow at her and return her smug look, "Well?"

"Right~" she drawls out and disappears into the kitchen. A moment later she returns with a brown bag and places it on the counter.

"So, I wasn't exactly sure what you like and dislike but I can confidently say that you'll probably end up finishing everything in the next one or two days. Then again it depends on how much of an appetite you have." She mutters the last sentence as she looked at the size of the bag.

"I'm sure I'll manage." I assure her with a chuckle, "How much will it be?" I started rummaging in my bag but stopped when Casper put her hand on my shoulder.

"It's on the house."

"Absolutely not."

"Absolutely yes, take it as an early Christmas present." She expressed and pushed the bag towards me.


"Enough, now go on. You're holding up the line." She claimed loud enough for the person behind me to hear.

"This isn't over." I warned.

Turning around, I smile at the man who was standing behind me. He returns the gesture and immediately starts ordering. I gave Casper one last glare whilst she lazily returns it with a wave while focusing on what the guy was saying.

After leaving the bakery I headed back home with one thought in mind:


Plans with Allistor and Jonathan had been cancelled a week ago. According to Allistor, they were currently facing some problems with Jonathan's family. I asked if they had mentioned the wedding and luckily that wasn't the case. They had found out where the couple resided and decided to visit and cause a scene. Allistor promised me he would invite me over when things calmed down and said both he and Jonathan would make it up to me. I didn't refuse as I knew how much Allistor isn't one to change his mind after making a decision and the only one capable of doing so was his future husband.

A Photographer's Viewpoint Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt