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"What the fuck?"

My gaze breaks from the underwear and see a very suprised Casper staring at me, lashes thick with mascara giving her eyes a pop. Her choice of clothing for the day was a long sleeved white shirt, the top two buttons undone with a black tie loosely hanging around her neck and an an oversized denim jeans, topped with white sneakers and a black wristband. Her hair was messily parted and looked as if it hasn't been combed in days.

"Casper, why the hell does it look like you're in a early 2000's teen movie?" I blurted out.

My eyes drift to her hands that held bars of chocolate and a full box of...condoms. Just as I was about to say something about it, she beat me to it.

"Answer me first, and only then I'll cure curiosities." She exclaimed with a pointed look as she walked closer.

She too, started eyeing the underwear, waiting for my response and touching the fabric of each one that caught her interest.

"You're probably wondering why I'm in the...female section of uhm...-"

"Christ's sake Luciel, just come clean and tell me-"

"It's for Isabella." I blurted out, my eyes finally landing on a blue underwear with a lace pattern. I reach out for them but stopped when Casper took them of the rack.

"Isabella?" She states, but it came of more as a question to herself. Her eyebrows were knitted together, trying to process my words and possibly thinking of a scenario that would explain why I was here.

"Isabella you say, you're in a store buying underwear for Isabella. Who is this Isabella exactly? Hm? The only Isabella I know is the lawyer..." She trailed of and muttered something incoherent to herself, placing the underwear in my hand and simply stared at it.

"You asked why I was here and I told you the reason," I sigh, gripping the the soft fabric in my hand and away from her her confused eyes,"now tell me why you're here, dressed like a teenage boy in a band with a whole box of condoms."

She looked up at me, trying to intimidate me but failed miserably when I raised a brow in response, utterly confused. I mean, she could come of as intimidating but unfortunately I'm a few centimeters taller than her.

Accepting defeat, Casper sighed and glanced back at the underwear before her eyes landed on the basket I was holding filled with snacks and other necessities. She tossed in her items and eyed the undies I had in my hand.

"You gonna take it or do you have something else in mind?" She questioned.

I checked the size and tossed it along with the other items, strolling with her by my side as we left the aisle.

"Remember that nerd guy I told you about?" She asked.

I humm in reply, looking through the different items that were neatly stacked on the shelves.

"Well," she cleared her throat which caught me by suprise,"things got a little heated and you know, we've been hanging out and stuff. And as you're aware I don't do it more than once with someone unless, you know, I like it. My point is, he confessed to me."

I wasn't really suprised by her last sentence. I'll admit, Casper was attractive and a few people were head-over-heels for her. Them confessing to her was something she was used to and would reject them without second thoughts, but that wasn't the case at the moment. She sounded oddly nervous and was fidgety with her hands.

I stop in my tracks and stare at her, "By any chance, do you like the guy?"

My eyes widened when I saw a blush creeping up on her cheeks. She looked equally suprised and slapped her cheeks a few times, standing in a awkward position and cursing under her breath.

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