Chapter 15

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A/N - we hit 1k!!! 🥳🎉🎊 thank you so much!! I also thank you for 30+ votes, I am glad that you all are enjoying the book<3 Onto the chapter!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kaoru's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Cmon guys let's go!!"

That was Joe, he was screaming for us to get into the car but we were all running around trying to gather our stuff.

Except Miya. He was in the back seat wearing his usual jacket with nothing but a back pack playing his video game.

"Watch it Kojiro!" I bumped into him while trying to get my toothbrush from the bathroom.

"You watch it! You're not even ready!"

"You aren't either!"

We started fighting unaware of Cherry walking towards us with a furious look in his eyes.

"Listen you two, we're already late!" He grabbed both us by the ear to make us listen-

"Kaoru, get you toothbrush and Kojiro, since your ready come with me to the car." He let go of me and dragged Kojiro to the car. By the ear-

Before I got what I needed I stuck my tongue out at him. He stuck his middle finger up at me!

Whatever, I'm not the one that's getting their ear ripped off. Just like that I got what I needed and got into the car.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kojiro's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Stupid Kaoru. He's lucky Cherry had me by the ear or else I would've tackled him. He's starting fights with me for no reason today.

That thought brought me back to the situation earlier.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
<<<<<<<<<<<< •Flash Back• <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

"Ow! Kojiro stop kicking me!"

"What? Im not kicking you."

"Yes you are!" Kaoru started kicking Kojiro back.

"You're kicking me know hypocrite!" Kojiro started fighting back until Kouru kicked him in the nose.


"Now you're Dead!" Kojiro sat up and pinned Kaoru's back to the couch.

"Get off me!!" The roles reversed and now Kaoru was on top of Kojiro.

"Hey guys, I just wanted to remind yo-" and with that Cherry came into the room interrupting a moment between the two.

They both looked at Cherry at the door of the room and Kaoru immediately got of Kojiro.

"Well I just wanted to remind you that we're leaving in an hour." He turned around and quickly walked out the door.

"Wait Cherry it's not what you think!" Kojiro tried to explain but poor Cherry was already out the door.

Kojiro turned to look back at Kaoru. He was a blushing mess.

"This is y-your fault!" Kaoru pointed at Kojiro while blushing furiously.

And with that the arguing continued.

>>>>>>>>>>>•End of Flash back•>>>>>>>>>>>
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kojiro's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I never got the chance to explain myself. Gosh that was so awkward.

"H-hey Cherry about before..." I stated to talk but the thought of the situation was so frustrating.

Past Matcha Blossom meet futureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora