Chapter 9

435 12 16

A/N- IT IS CURRENTLY 2:31 AM AND WE JUST HIT 200 (we hit 100 like a week ago 🤩) Ty guys so much! I'm leaving for vacation tm so uploading might be slow. Ty again and enjoy the chapter! <3 DISCLAIMER: SPOILERS

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joe's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was getting extremely nervous because Shadow called asking about a different track. He described it and it sounded like the old track we used to use when we were teenagers. I can just pray that Langa will be ok.

I go to the S website to play the race so Cherry and I can watch it. I look over at Cherry still laying there lifelessly. Oh Kaoru, when will you wake up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cherry's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up in this really dark place. I can't open my eyes or move? But I can hear like I normally would.

'Joe?' No response

I must be unconscious in some sort of way. But why can't I wake up physically. I hear Joe talking about the old S course? There's not enough context to know what he's talking about.

Ughhh my head hurts too much. And I can't remember anything. This is too tiring. I should be working right now.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Joe's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The race starts, Langa and Adam immediately start skating. There's a lot of rocks and spikes coming down from the roof of the cave.

'A lot more dangerous then before.'

After about 2-3 min of skating Adam hasn't tried anything until he got off his board.... and swung it?!
Luckily Langa dodged it gaining a lead. Adam said that the move was called 'full swing kiss' when he raced with Reki. He really is insane. Adam got on his skateboard again and started going extremely fast. Everything was going smoothly until Langa started to look like he was getting distracted?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Langa's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The race with Adam was going well until I started seeing all black with neon lines racing past me.

"You've made it to the zone my Eve! A place where we can just skate with no worries or expectations. Just me and You." Adam said reaching his hand out.

Eve? Who is he talking about and what is this place?
I felt like my eyes were being opened but blinded at the same time. It was all so confusing until my eyes started being covered by what I assumed was Adam's hands. I tried to skate away but I couldn't move. I was spacing out big time. I got snapped out of it when I felt like I was falling but now my surrounding was just white. No people or sound. All I could see was my skateboard.


It suddenly reminded me of Reki. The skateboard was handcrafted by him. He taught me how to skateboard and how much fun it was, and could be.

I immediately took it and placed my feet on it. I finally got back to the real world skating down a rocky cliff with a smile on my face.


Was all I could think about the whole entire time. I caught up to Adam and started racing head to head. He started talking about how no one understands him.(lil Emo bitch 🖤⛓️💀) He turned around and attempted doing his 'love hug'. I wasn't going to run!

We both jumped at the same time hitting our boards. We both fell to the ground. We laid there for about a good minute until I started getting up. I was going to start skating again until I thought of Reki. Adam was starting to get back up. I grabbed my board and Adam's. I limped towards him and stretched out my hands to help him.

Past Matcha Blossom meet futureKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat