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It was friday afternoon and I was struggling to keep myself awake. These lectures are so boring, this one in particular about a boring topic. The time seemed to go by extremely slowly, I was filled with a mixture of nerves and excitement for seeing Lando. But then finally the clock turned 6 and the lecture was over. Bea and I packed up our notes and textbooks in our bags before walking out of the lecture hall along with all of the other people taking this course.

"So he's picking you up from here?" Bea asked, talking about Lando.

"Yeah although i'm not sure where exactly from" I replied as we walked out of the building. I go to text Lando but a dark blue mclaren caught my eye and I looked in the direction and saw Lando leant up against the side of it.

"Oh. My. God. IS THAT LANDO NORRIS?" I heard a girl scream next to me, causing everyone to look in this direction. Exactly what I didn't want, attention. Lando looked at me and his face lit up.

"Right I better go before too much attention is drawn" I say to Bea stood next to me.

"Yeah I think it might already be too late." She said, talking about the girl who was freaking out. "See you later, and have fun!" She said.

"Thank you I will" I reply as I walk off in the direction of Lando. I could feel all eyes on me. He looked up from his phone as I was walking closer and I once again was met with his eyes. He was wearing a black shirt (you know the one from max's stream).  He looked very good, to say the least.

"Couldn't have brought a more subtle car?" I ask walking up to him. He pulls me by my waist into a hug before opening the door for me.

"Had to impress my date" he said, winking before shutting the door and walking around to the other side. So this was a date... I looked out the window and saw pretty much my whole university just stood there staring at us, I hope no-one took any photos as the media was a dark place and I wasn't ready for a bunch of rumours to fly around about Lando and I.

"Shit" I mumbled as Lando got in the car. I brushed the thought away and focused back on Lando.

"How are you?" Lando asks, how thoughful.

"Tired from boring lectures all day but glad i'm with you now" I respond and he smiles, looking at the road.

"I am too, trust me I couldn't stop thinking about how I was seeing you all day today" Lando says, making me blush as he pulls out of the car park.

"Can we go to mine first? I want to change" I ask and Lando looks at me.

"No Si you look fine" He says, focusing back on driving. I was just wearing a pair of baggy jeans with a top, whilst he was wearing a shirt, indicating we were going to a nice place.

"No please just let me change. You're wearing a shirt, I want to look nicer" I say.

"You already look nice but fine" He gives in and drives to my apartment.

"So how was work this week?" I ask him as he was focused on the road. I subtly admired his toned, tanned veiny arms as he held onto the steering wheel.

"Tiring but good, just spent a lot of time in the sim." He said. "Here, you can play some music" he says, passing me his phone.

"Password?" I ask, considering his phone was still locked.

"It's my birthday" he looked at me, raising his eyebrows. Shit I don't know if I remember it. I look back at him, apologetically. "Come on Si" he says, rolling his eyes playfully.

"I know it's sometime in november I just can't remember the date" I say.

"13th" He gives in and I open his phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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