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All I could hear was the continuous beeps of the medical machine. My own mother had cables, wires and cords attached to her from all over. She had been fighting for so long, but today was the first day I saw a loss of hope in her eyes. She gave my hand a tight squeeze, using all the energy left in her body to catch my attention that was already on her.
"Sienna" She muttered to me.
"Promise me one thing" She continued, struggling.
"Of coarse mum, anything, what is it?" I reply still grasping onto her hand gently.
"Promise m-" she stuttered. "Promise me you will find someone you fall in love with. Just like I- I had with your father." She managed to say, using all of the effort she had left.
"Of course, but why? Why is it so important that I promise you this?" I question.
"Jus- Just promise me Sienna" She responds seriously.
"I promise, I love you" I reply.
"I love y-" she couldn't finish her words as her eyes gently shut and the noise from the machine flatlining became prominent. The tears I had been holding back released, staining my cheeks and I refused to let her hand go. My whole body was shaking from the whimpering of me crying.

I shot up in bed, my breathing heavy and rapid as I realize I'd had another nightmare. My body was still shaking and salty tears were rolling down my cheeks as I thought of the nightmare once more. Suddenly I felt two arms wrap around my torso. I instantly felt calmer as I realise the two arms belonged to Lando. I nestled my head in his chest.

"Shh, Shh, it's okay Sienna, your okay." He whispered in my ear, trying to calm me down.

"Everything's okay. Now try to calm down, match your breathing to mine." I started to feel calmer as I followed the pattern of his chest rising and falling. Somehow it worked as my breathing had returned to somewhat normal. I remained in his arms for a little while longer.

"I'm sorry" I managed to mutter.

"Sienna don't be sorry" He replied, still holding me tightly in his arms. We laid down and he pulled me into his side and I rested my head on his muscular chest. He pressed a kiss to my head and we went to sleep. Or at least he did. I couldn't sleep very well, not after all of those sad memories flooding back and filling my thoughts.


I must have eventually fallen asleep as I woke up to the warm, bright morning sun peaking through the blinds as it hit my face. Suddenly a loud noise of clattering pots and pans was coming from downstairs. I rolled out of Lando's bed and opened his wardrobe of clothes he kept at his parents house to grab a hoodie of his. I pulled a grey, quadrant hoodie over my head, the scent gave me a sense of familiarity as I took a deep breath. The hoodie was a bit big for me as it covered the pajama shorts I had borrowed from Flo the night before. I made my way downstairs and started to smell smoke. Followed by a fire alarm blaring through the house.

"Shit" I heard him curse as I entered the kitchen, not to my surprise I see it was Lando who had burnt the breakfast.

"LANDO" I shout to ensure he heard my voice over the continuous alarm sound. I run over to the window to open it whilst he stands on a stool to wave a tea towel over the alarm which eventually stopped. We looked at eachother and bursted into fits of laughter. The flour in his hair and all over the kitchen, the room still filled with smoke and the pancake batter everywhere sent us nearly into tears of laughter.

"Remind me never to let you cook again" I say, inbetween laughs, walking over to Lando.

"Hey it was going well, before I burnt it" he says looking deeply into my eyes the closer I get to him.

"Good morning gorgeous" he said as our bodies were as close as they could get without touching. I rolled my eyes before responding to him again.

"Don't push it. I still haven't fully forgiven you yet." I saw sadness in his eyes before I walked away to start cleaning the pan he burnt.

"Here let me clean that and can you start breakfast instead" He asked, which sounded like the best plan, considering I actually knew how to cook.

"Sure" I replied before we both looked over to the door to the kitchen as Oliver and Noah appeared.

"What the fuck happened in here" Noah asked.

"Lando was cooking" I said simply.

"Makes sense" Oliver said, teasing him.

"Hey I'm not THAT bad, am I?" Lando said to me trying to defend himself.

"Your cute" I whispered to him before walking away to the counter to make some more pancake mixture for everyone for breakfast.

"For gods sake Lando you woke everyone up." An annoyed Cis said followed by an equally as annoyed Flo.

"Good morning to you too" Lando said to his two sisters, laughing at how pissed off they were.

Soon after the parents came down and Flo helped me make the pancakes as Lando was no use. He did help lay the table though. We enjoyed a lovely breakfast together as two families and soon after my dad drove my brother and I back to our family home.

It was a Sunday evening and so I drove back to my apartment next to my uni in Surrey. I had a chilled out evening with my room-mate Bea. She was probably one of my best friends, besides Flo. I filled her in on everything that happened with me and Lando as we always talk about boy stuff, mainly to do with her though. Just as I finished telling her everything that happened I got a text from Lando.

Hey, I had a great time this weekend.

Yeah me too.

Listen, I should have said this in person but we ran out of time. I am so so so sorry for how I left things, it was pretty dickish of me. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I hope you can forgive me because I truly think that we have something special. Whether that be friendship wise or something more, I can't loose you Si x

Tbh it was a bit dickish but I just need some time to think it all through.

That's okay. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask.

Actually, there is something. My uncles getting married in a few weeks, and I was given a plus one. I was wondering if you could join me? I don't want to not have anyone to talk to the whole night.

Sounds like it could be fun.

when love lasts - lando norrisWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu