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It was now a few weeks later and I had just heard a knock at my door, indicating that Lando was here ready to pick me up to take us to the airport. I ran to the front door and swung it open, me being in a manic state after running around last minute packing.

"Hey, you ready?" he said simply, still being half asleep. To be fair, it was 6am.

"Yeah let me just grab my suitcase. Please, come in" I invited my childhood bestfriend in. Remembering he had never been to my place before. "I'll just be one minute" I said before rushing off to my room to finish closing my suitcase. I walked back into the main room to see Lando looking out of the massive window. My apartment was in the middle of London, in a tall apartment block and it was open plan and surrounded by glass. Which was perfect for sitting and watching the sunset over the busy city.

"The views insane from here" Lando said still looking out the window as he must have heard me re-enter the room, dragging my suitcase which probably made the most noise.

"You should see it when it's sunset" I said walking over and standing next to him, our shoulders touching, admiring the view just as he was.

"I'll have to take you up on that" Lando said and turned to me, in return I just smiled back. "We should get going" He said and we walked to the front door. He grabbed my suitcase for me and I locked the apartment before we headed down the elevator. We reached the ground floor and Lando lead me outside the front of the block of flats to his bright orange mclaren. I had almost forgotten he was a famous racing driver, you would presume that he would be cocky or anything like that, he was just normal. Which I loved.

"Not a very subtle car" I said whilst letting out a small giggle.

"We'll you're not wrong" Lando said as he put my suitcase in the small boot and went round to open my door for me.

"What a gentleman" I said whilst rubbing his cheek with my thumb and in response he scrunched his face up. I got in the car and Lando walked around and got in the other side. I had never been in a car like this, but it was very cool. And I knew I was in safe hands considering one of the best 20 drivers in the world was in the driving seat.


The rest of my family had already arrived a few days earlier so it was just me and Lando travelling together. We went through security and walked through the duty-free section. After a few arguments about wether to get sweets or chocolate we decided on both. Lando kept his cap on the whole time to try not to be recognised however a few fans recognised him and asked for photos or signatures, which he kindly gave. We finally made our way to the gate and boarded the plane.

"No way, i'm car number 4" Lando said as we found our seats in coincidently, row 4. I smiled at him as he lifted his suitcase into the overhead lockers. I couldn't help but admire his muscular arms flexing as he picked up his heavy bag as if it were nothing.

"Here let me grab this." He says picking up my bag and doing the same considering I was struggling. I find myself staring and bring myself back to reality.

"Like what you see?" Lando said smirking as he saw me checking him out. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Oh shut up you wish." I say before sitting by the window and Lando sits next to me.

An old lady, one of the last to board the plane wonders down the isle until she reaches our row. She tries to pick up her bag but struggles she goes to call for assistance but Lando stops her.

"Let me help you" he says before jumping out of his seat to assist the kind old woman with her bag.

"Oh you kind boy thank you so much. That's very sweet of you." She praises as she sits down in the isle seat next to Lando and I.

"No worries at all." Lando says smiling. I don't say anything but instead admire his subtle acts of kindness, always helping out others around him.

"How does it feel to have the same strength of an old lady." Lando jokes to me, whispering so the lady doesn't hear. In response I squeeze his knee, causing him to wince in pain.

"Ow!" He cries.

"Oh get over it im sure it didn't hurt that bad." I respond, rolling my eyes and he just scowls. Lando then passes me one of his airpods and plays some music for us to listen to together.

"I'm so tired, why did my uncle have to book such an early flight, the day of the wedding?" I complain.

"No clue, you should try get some sleep Si" He replies softly and I agree.

The plane takes off and before I know it I fall asleep.

"Si, Si, wake up we're about to land" Lando says to me, whilst shaking my arm. I open my eyes and wince from the bright light. I must have fallen asleep. As I go to sit up I realise my head was resting on his shoulder.

"Oh shit sorry, I didn't hurt your neck did I?" I respond, still half asleep.

"Sienna, have you seen the size of my neck, nothing could hurt it." He says and we both laugh. "Plus I didn't mind it, you're cute when you sleep." He continues and I look away to hide the blush appearing on my cheeks, I can't help a smile creep over my lips.

"You two make such a lovely couple" A voice says to the right of us. I look and see the old lady occupying the other seat in our row talking to us.

"Oh we aren't together." Lando replies, a small wave of disappointment hits me.

"Well you should be." The lady smiles before going back to reading her book. Lando looks back at me and smiles, almost giving me a look as if she was right.

when love lasts - lando norrisWhere stories live. Discover now