Yudhishtir gulps as he took in the whole sight. Arjun just attacked his own brother.....their sena strangled by fogs....other brothers stood as rock and not all listening his words to help their people.....it is clear as crystal who is behind all these yet he called out,

" Whoever doing this is a coward to not to show your face infront of us!! "

The moment he completed his words a lighten struck on his chariot making it explode and him to fall right on the ground. He stood straight immediately as other pandavas ran to him as if they snapped out from the trance. They all gasped seeing the clutch on their people getting loosened and they all in mud coughing and breathing hard.

The atmosphere still in fury yet strong wind passed a different aroma to them. Like it is completely bewitching them by the mixed fragrance of all flowers. Sahadev called them and gestured all towards a haze of pure white fogs that pierced the dark green fogs.

It encircled into a feminine figure and came alive in a moment. All five pandavas gasped on seeing her and their followers were like literally lost on her sight and immediately came on feet.....such a divine beauty.....she were enticing them all with her presence....
Pandavas looked each other as she is the most beautiful women they ever saw in their life.....

Harshini were in white attire with few jewels all glowing. She look them all and turned to the rest of the pandava Sena with a smirk. She whispers in a very low voice, " Run!! "

But they all were too occupied on the dream of getting such a beautiful woman to themselves which they didn't listened the warning. She in a swish thrown green fogs which turned into sharp knives as it pierced all of them..... pandavas yelled a No which made her turn to them as her pure white attire turned into usual dark green attire.

They all except bheem took a step back at her hard gaze and as she neared them the fog engulfed them into the hurricane of illusion.... Yudhishtir saw himself standing in centre of a dice board as the dices rolled around him....He tried to run only to end up in the closed walls made of dices....

Bheem found himself getting weak like a old man and all those who died by his hand till now stood infront of him. Fear....true fear strike him and he were much vulnerable that he couldn't even run away from them...they all rounded him and the mighty vayuputr literally screamed loud all afraid for his live....

Indraputr put aside his bow as arrows from his quiver tent to hurt his own people. But what he saw next was bleeding thump of his....there is no thump finger and he found himself in middle of chakravyuh where his son laid liveless on ground.....

Madriputr ran opposite direction as sahadev saw his twin's sword following him and the exact opposite happened to nakul. Total chaos were that rained upon them.......


" Enough!!! ",

Nothing less than a command were his words and karna's eyes burned in rage at the miserable sight of pandavas.....his brothers....also enemies..... They were so pathetic and all vulnerable infront of the illusion that bounded their strength and strangled their sanity.....

The empress's fury filled eyes softened a little yet didn't released them from the hold of Maya. She slowly turned to the side where the suryaputr stood in all his glory and were throwing daggers of stare at her. Whatever she doing is not something that pleases him......

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