Pinky promises

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In a bout of shock and threatening tears, Team Z moped back to their quarters in hopes of showering off the shame of their loss. The look on their faces gave you no desire to even attempt a pep talk. They weren't out of Bluelock but they would be with one more loss, and with their previous loss looming over them, they could either use it as motivation to win or an excuse for another loss.

As if you'd played the game, your body ached. You trudged your way back to your apartment after cleaning up the field and sideline coolers. The conversation you had with Isagi lingered in the back of your mind. You hoped you hadn't overstepped, although he seemed to appreciate the comfort you provided.

"Here's an ice pack."

"Thank you."

A voice caught your attention from the medical bay and you turned to see a flash of scarlet. Now was your chance.

You walked into the medical bay, with a hand raised. "Hey!"

His bothered expression immediately made you regret this decision. Maybe you should have waited until a little longer after Team X's loss to speak with any of the players. But it was too late now. "I haven't had the chance to speak with you. I'm y/n. I wanted to thank you for helping me up the other day after I fell on the ground."

Recognition sparked in his eyes, but his lips remained sealed. From a loss of words or a lack of interest, you didn't know. Then ever so quietly, he mumbled. "It was no problem."

He looked down. "I'm Chigiri." That was all he said. He sat on the edge of one of the benches with an ice pack in one hand and a wrap in the other.

But you were determined to have an actual conversation with him. You crouched down in order to make eye contact and give him a friendly smile. "It's nice to officially meet you."

"What were you doing in the walls?" He changed the subject, his head turning away from your friendliness.

Although the thought of remembering your clumsiness made your cheeks a shade of red reminiscent of Chigiri's hair, but you didn't look away. "I was making sure the soccer ball was there for the entrance exam. That's part of my job." You laughed. "Imagine if it hadn't been there to drop from the ceiling. Ego would've fired me for sure."

Chigiri's eyes are focused on your face, listening to you speak, but his hands wrestle with wrapping the ice pack around his knee.

"Do you need help?" You ask, your hands already inching towards holding the ice pack in place while he wrapped.

Chigiri's tongue slipped to give you an instinctual, "No".

You retract your hands. "That's fine. I'm sure the medical team knows more about injuries anyway." Your brain flashed through the game trying to remember any sign that Chigiri had injured himself. "Did you hurt yourself in today's game?" Hopefully not. How disappointing it would be to injury yourself during the very first game in Bluelock.

Chigiri placed his hands on his knee. "I'm fine. It's from a previous injury." His eyes flicker away from yours. He was clearly uncomfortable being spotted in the medical bay and probably wasn't expecting to have a conversation about a injury that made him more vulnerable than other players.

"I'll leave you to it. I wanted to make sure you knew I appreciated your help. And if you ever need an icepack and don't feel like walking to the med bay, you can knock on my door. I keep a few extras in my freezer." Chigiri most likely wouldn't take you up on your offer, but that didn't stop you from also mentioning the fact that you had a first aid kit.

Just for a few seconds he looked up and gives you a tiny smile. "Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

And just like that your brain malfunctioned. He was so...pretty. You had been so focused on getting out of the testing room when he'd helped you out. Which is a good thing. If you'd paid any more attention to him before, you would have planted yourself in front of him and stared into his eyes for the rest of the day.

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