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The Bluelock bodysuit wasn't as uncomfortable as you thought it would be. There was a snug stretch, but maintained its support of athletic activity. It differed slightly from the players bodysuits with red lines running along the black fabric rather than blue. You still wanted to strangle Yuko for pushing the bodysuit idea onto Ego. Hopefully, you would get used to wearing it after this first week.

You swiped a sweatshirt from your closet before heading to the data monitoring room in the Team Z wing. As soon as you entered, you noticed that the television screens were already on, flashing light in the dark room.

"About time you got here."

You jumped in surprise, "Ahh! Have you been sitting here alone in the dark?!" You asked your partner.

"Waiting for you to show up and do your job." Shizuo Daiki spun in his chair to face you. A smug grin on his face after succeeding to scare you.

"Well my job doesn't start for another five minutes, so chill out." You were never a fan of your work partner and wished more than anything that you could switch him out for Yuko, but Ego insisted that once partners were chosen, that was that.

Luckily, up until Bluelock began it was only on the odd occasion that you needed to work in partners so avoiding his sour attitude and persistent complaining wasn't too difficult. Nonetheless, now that the program has started you two would have to work together during matches. Outside of that you would surely stay clear of him.

"Damn (y/n), you've been hiding a body like that? We should have been wearing these bodysuits from the start." His eyes lingered on your body.

"Shut the hell up." You snapped before throwing your sweatshirt on to evade his not so subtle perverted gaze. He wasn't wrong, the bodysuit outlined your figure well, but that didn't mean you wanted him to comment on it.

You sat in your cushioned chair to look at the multiple screens in front of you. They pictured several angles of an empty field that was far smaller than an average sized field. With a glance at the clock you assumed Ego was halfway through his initial speech about being the best striker and whatnot. The players that decided to take on the challenge would change and be ushered into the one of these rooms for their first trial.

It crossed your mind momentarily how many players would even accept Ego's proposition. What if no one did? Then all of this preparation would be for nothing. Although you supposed it didn't matter, as long as you got paid. Finding Japan's next best soccer players was ultimately not your job.

Maybe you could see for yourself. With a click of a few buttons you were able to bring up the live feed of Ego addressing the room of forwards, and damn were there a lot of them. There had to be close to three hundred of them. Did every invited player show up?

"There they go." Daiki spoke up, turning your attention to the screens in front of you. The crowd of players rushed towards the giant door with a black haired boy leading the pack.

Now all you had to do was wait for the buses to arrive at the Bluelock facility. You switched back to the view of the entrance exam rooms.

"Where's the ball?" From what you could see, there was no ball in the room, which meant it was somewhere in the wall ready to be spit out when the test started.

"In the ceiling." Daiki spoke without removing his eyes from the phone in his hands.

"Ego had you put the ball in the ceiling?" You scanned the ceiling tiles of the room.

"I think."

You craned your neck towards him. "You think?"

With his attention still on his phone, he replied, "I'm pretty sure it's there."

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