Self-proclaimed dumbass

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The games had not begun.

Instead you were being dragged like doll as Yuko made a beeline for the dining area, "Let's go y/n!"

Considering you had a mini kitchen in your apartment, you didn't usually eat in the dining hall, but Yuko was not a fan of cooking, so she often opted to eat the dining food.

"Slow down, Yuko!" You tried your best to keep up while also avoiding the players in the hallway that gave you strange looks.

"They have mitarashi dango today and I am not missing it!" She yelled.

Turning a sharp corner, you bumped into the buff chest of an unaware player. When you looked up to apologize all you could see was a mess of purple and white.

"I'm so sorry! Ahh-" Yuko yanked you away before you could truly apologize.

"Yuko!" You scolded her.

"We're almost there!" Barging into the dining hall, you were met with several pairs of curious eyes. Thankfully, the two of you were not interesting enough to hold their attention for long.

While players had to scan their rank for their meal, there was a separate kitchen in the dining area that catered to the staff of Blue Lock. The poor players, especially the lower ranked players, received very little food and nothing that was close to the delicacies given to the higher ranked players.

Yuko had already abandoned you for her food, while you made your way to an empty table after grabbing a bowl of katsudon. You settled on the end of a long table since the dining hall was crowded with what looked like half of the players in Blue Lock.

You waved over Yuko who had grabbed three servings of dango on her tray and immediately stuffed some into her mouth after sitting down.

"How was Team Z's entrance exam?" She asked with her mouth full.

"Intense. The player that got kicked out was pissed. I mean, he was the highest ranked player in the room and was 'it' the last second of the test. He tried to fight Ego on it." You looked to Team Z's table, only able to recognize it as such because of the letter on the sleeves of their sweatshirts. Daiki was seated on the end of their table, chatting them up.

"Wish I could have seen it. Some guy named Ryo Nameoka was eliminated from Team V," She finished chewing, immediately took another bite and continued to speak with a full mouth, "Two guys double teamed him from the start of the test. He didn't have a chance.'

"That's a lot of trust to put in a stranger in an unfamiliar location, and a surprise test..." You trailed off. Then again, Isagi and Bachira seemed to form some type of partnership in their game of tag.

Yuko furrowed her eyebrows and spoke, "It seemed like they knew each other before Blue Lock."

Before you could respond, Ego's voice echoed over the PA system, "All players report back to your rooms." Instantly, the room started to empty with only employees remaining in the dining hall.

"They still have to train at this time?" Yuko questioned. You tried to think back to the time you glanced over the Blue Lock Team schedule. Ego requested that your crew be familiarized with your team's itinerary.

"I think they have team meetings at this time." You glanced at the time, "Speaking of, we should get to our meeting."


You stood outside the Team Z door trying to calm your nerves. During the meeting with Ego, your team was instructed to introduce yourself to the team you were assigned to, if you hadn't already. At first, you wanted to argue there was no point to introducing yourselves, but then you remembered all the curious eyes on you in the dining hall. Plus, starting an argument with Ego after he'd mad up his mind was pointless.

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