The first day

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[Adriana ]

"Oh my! Today's the last day of summer break..i have absolutely no interest in attending school tomorrow. I am so nervous for grade 10th and on top of that i'll be having no friends in my new class as the classes are shuffled UGH!!"

"Oh come on honey! It's alright. You'll just have to make some new friends." Says my mom.

"Only if it was that easy mom. Whenever i try to speak nicely to someone i end up saying the opposite of what i mean. It gets so annoying. I don't have the energy to make new friends."

"Okay then, Since you'll have no one to share the work done in class with you; You'll have to stop being absent so often then." Says my mom and walks away.

"FINE!! I'LL MAKE FRIENDS. It is better than attending 6 hours of hell every single day."

*The next day*

"Sweetie! Come have breakfast."

"Sorry mom! I am leaving right now. I don't want to be late on the first day of school..BU-BYE LOVE YA!!"

*At school*

I entered the class thinking i would be the first one there. But little did i know, everyone was so punctual. THE WHOLE CLASSROOM WAS FULL!! There was just one empty seat, i tried to look for another one. But as i was looking for one..i heard something.

"Adriana! ADRIANA!!" Mr. Brown (class teacher) snaps his fingers to get my attention.

"Ye..yes sir"

"You can sit next to Aaron, since there are no other empty seats."

"But sir-"

"You are more than welcome to sit on the floor if you don't want to sit next to Aaron"

I walk towards my seat slowly, thinking about every single mistake i had made in the past. You may be thinking why? Well i was puzzled because i did not know which one of it was i being punished for this bad. I have this habit of eye rolling whenever i am stressed or angry. And in this situation i was both. So i eye rolled.

"What are you eye rolling for huh?" Says Aaron glaring at me.

Not thinking about it much. I eye roll again.

"EYEROLL AGAIN AND I'LL WRENCH THOSE EYEBALLS OUR OF THEIR SOCKETS YOU MOPHEAD!! Aaron stood up and shouted while pointing his finger towards me.

"SI...SIR! This guy is misbehaving with me. I did not even say a word to him.", I say stuttering.

"Aaron! What kind of behavior is this?! Do this once again and i'll get you suspended. This is the first and final warning. Now get out of my class!", Yelled Mr. Brown.

Aaron's face turned red and with his head hanging low he exited the classroom. As he was exiting the classroom, i waved him goodbye with a huge grin on my face. I was very satisfied with what i did.

You might be thinking why Aaron and i hate each other. Well it is a long story.

When we were in 8th grade, him and i were in the same class. I was a straight A's student. And he..he was a "wannabe straight A's" student. He would study during break, PE lectures, dance lectures and even music lectures. I knew his eyesight was not poor, but he still wore glasses to look studious. He wanted to be called a "nerd". You may think, he woud ace the exams after studying this much. No, he did not. He'd get average marks like 28/40, 32/40 etc. On the other hand, i would study just 4 hrs a day and get 38/40 or 40/40. He was really jealous of me.
And out of pure jealousy, one day he did something which i can never forgive him for.

It was our summative assessment- 1 Science exam. I was good at every subject and the best at science. I was prepared for it. I completed my paper on time and handed it over to the invigilator. When i got my exam results back, my eyes filled with water, my hands started shaking, my whole body shivered and i burst into tears. I saw that i had failed miserably in the science exam. I was in denial and shook my head frantically. "No Adriana, this cannot be your paper", I said to myself and started checking the paper. To my surprise, i did not recall writig any of those answers. The answers i wrote were completely different. Even the english was off. And i was an English topper as well.
I went to Mr. Brown and explained that there was something wrong with my paper. He told me nonchalantly that he'll look into it. As i was exiting the classroom, i overheard Aaron talking to his best friend tanner. I heard him saying "Imagine the look on her face when she would have seen her marks." I immediately knew that he had something to do with this.

Later on, Mr. Brown announced that Aaron had topped the Science exam. I was shook. I could not comprehend that fact. I went to Mr. Brown and told him that i think Aaron has something to do with my marks. He looked annoyed but still called Aaron.

Now we both were face to face. It felt like i was a in a court and arguing for my case. Mr. Brown questioned him if he had done something to my paper. He kept denying the claims. I was getting frustrated and asked Mr. Brown to put both the papers side to side. He put the papers side to side and there was no difference in the handwriting! I was shocked. Even Mr. Brown was puzzled at this point. His eyes widened looking at that. Then i told him that on his answer sheet, his name was written on top of correction tape. And why would he make mistakes in writing his own complete name? One word or one letter is covered with correction tape, i understand. But the full name?! Then i told him to get my other subjects' papers out. I showed him that i have this habit of writing the page number on one corner of the page and drawing stars around it. And i do that on every single paper of mine. And this paper did not have that.

Aaron was quite as never before, shivering as if it was 5°C inside the classroom. He clenched the pen he had in his hand with all his might. He started sweating. Mr. Brown asked him for the last time if he had done something to my paper. And he finally confessed. He began saying it was all out of sole jealousy. He says that he purposely wrote all the incorrect answers in his answer sheet and wrote my name on it. And as my roll number was 1, my answer sheet was on the top of the bundle. So when the invigilator left the classroom for a moment after the exam. He hurried over to the bundle and wrote his name on my sheet.

Aaron was suspended for a week. I was happy..really happy. But from that day on, i started hating him so much that even a sight of him would make my blood boil. Even after all these years, i still hate him. He hates me too for exposing him. Yeah well, i told all the people i knew, about this.

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