9 His Place Is At My Side

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I swirled the blood in my wine glass absently. Music trickled through the chambers. In the bedroom, a couple humans were strung out on blood loss and alcohol. They laid here and there, their bodies weakened and exhausted. Some were already sleeping sounding, their heartbeats so slow that they may give out at any moment. Bite marks littered their bodies. Michael was sleeping sounding in the bed, his arm across Castor's bare chest.

Jadis sat on the bathroom counter across the bathroom from me, she held a red sheet against her bare body. Her pale blonde hair was streaked with red in some places. The hybrid poured herself more wine into her glass, glancing over at where I sat in the bathtub, my body submerged in water that had been tainted with blood. My legs were entangled with a vampire who sat across from me. A new addition to Clan Hela.

Irina was adjusting well to vampire-life since I turned her. She had clearly liked luxury and parties when she was human, since she wound up at a Clan Onyx Blood Feast. Now, that interest was amplified, just like everything is when someone turns. She shed no tears for a family or a life beforehand. It was like Irina was born to be a vampire. Her light brunette hair was pinned up in a rather beautiful updo, and remained intact, despite the events of the night.

Her mascara and eyeliner made her already almond-shaped eyes rather sharp looking. Irina drank champagne from a glass, holding it between her fingers delicately.

The window in the bathroom was open, and a cool night breeze made the candles flicker inside. The moon bathed the courtyard in silver light.

The hybrid sitting on the counter stood up and readjusted the sheet around her bare body. She and Irina were both beauties worthy of modeling, in my opinion. If they wanted to pursue such a career, I'd support them. After all, they were both vampires under my charge. Jadis would never abandon her pack for such a life. Irina, on the other hand, may want to settle down after some time.

"Вы уже решили, приедут ли гибриды в Новый Орлеан?" Jadis asks. Have you already decided whether hybrids will come to New Orleans? I shrugged, watching Jadis sip on her wine.

"Вы хотите присоединиться ко мне?" Do you want to join me? I replied to her inquiry with another question.

"I will join Lady Mikaelson." Irina chimes in. Her accent was thick, her English hoarse. I smirked at the vampire in the bathtub with me.

"Russian hybrids expect a certain level of freedom which they wouldn't have in New Orleans. You are free to accompany me, but I wouldn't ask you to leave your home or your people for so long." I told Jadis.

"Как выглядит Новый Орлеан?" What does New Orleans look like? Irina wondered. I sat up a bit in the tub, and thought about her inquiry.

"Some would say it's the most beautiful place in the world." I told her earnestly. "I disagree. It is humid and muggy. The city smells and it's always loud. The cicadas seem to make noise year round. The witches are elitist creatures, and the humans in the know are arrogant towards the superior species. Darkness lurks in every shadow, and everyone has ulterior motives and ambitions. It's exhausting."

"Что-нибудь хорошее?" Anything good? Irina wondered. I considered it for a second before answering.

"Diversity is beautiful. The cultural exchange breeds stunning arts and music. You'll never be bored. There's lavish parties and fang clubs. The vampires feed on foreigners freely, and someone somewhere is hosting a blood feast every weekend. It's a vampire's playground. A werewolf's graveyard, and a witch's nest of ancestral power." I pause. "Violence is no stranger to New Orleans. Although violence is tragedy, it is also beguiling."

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