"Thank you, Professor." Ginny and I echoed with a small smile as we turned from the office, our trunks floating along behind us as we took the stairs two at a time. I had never been more excited to leave the castle, and it felt as if my legs felt the same, pulling me faster and faster until we reached the snow covered pathway.

"God this is weird, every time I look over, you're less and less you." Ginny laughed, both of us watching as the last of Bri's black hair took over my blonde. We waited in the small line of remaining students before climbing up to the train and starting down the aisle, searching compartments as we went until we saw the familiar white hair of Luna.

Neville's eyes caught mine first as the compartment door slid over, scanning quickly between Bri and I. "What the hell..."

"Oh, yeah." Bri grinned, as if only just remembering the plan. "Guys, have you met mini Bri? We call her Cassidy."

A few hours, and a full course of snacks from the trolley later, the train began to slow down, the brakes going off lightly beneath our seats as the trees outside the windows grew farther and farther in between as we pulled closer the city.

"A bit far to be slowing down already, isn't it?" Hannah glanced along the window, trying to catch a glimpse of Kings Cross.

"Won't it just be our luck if something's gone wrong and we're this close." Maddie grumbled.

"I don't care, I'm walking my ass-" Ginny stopped, the train lurching one last time before it rolled to a stop, the seven of us glancing between each other, everyone's eyes painted with confusion.

"I wonder what-" I stopped, a rumble of chatter and some screams could be heard from down the hallway. "Oh, not again." I mumbled, looking towards Bri. I wasn't sure what to expect as the screaming grew closer to our compartment, but I knew there shouldn't be two Bri's in one place.

"Cass, stop! Where are you going!" Hannah hissed, nervously as I slid the doors open, slipping down the hallway away from the noise and towards the nearest bathroom. Finally reaching it, I pulled the door shut behind me, pressing my ear against the wood and straining for any clues as to what was happening down the hall.

Before long, the train erupted into high pitched screams, my blood running cold. I ripped the door open, not caring if anyone saw me now. I had only made it two steps out of the bathroom when I saw what all of the commotion had been about. Three death eaters stood outside of our compartment, a red jet of light bounced through the doorway as three black billows of smoke disappeared from sight.

I sprinted back, looking into the compartment, my eyes landing on Ginny at once. She was on the floor with Hannah, crouched beside Neville's body which was very still, his eyes shut. Ginny's eyes were searching the room wildly, finding mine at last and letting out a short sob.

"What happened?" I asked, falling to the floor and scrambling for my wand from my pockets. "Renervate." I muttered, waiting a few seconds before Neville's eyes began to flicker, slowly, and letting out a deep sigh.

"They took Luna." Ginny whimpered, falling back against the bench on the floor with a soft thud. I glanced towards my friends, realizing their faces were all white as snow.

"Who? Why... Why Luna?" I stuttered, nothing making sense in my head. She had just been here. Two minutes before. Out of all the people on this train, why would they take Luna Lovegood?

"They were looking for you too, Cassidy. They asked for you first, but we said we hadn't seen you all day and you must have decided to stay for the Holidays." Bri muttered, softly.

Safe With Me ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now