Ch.2 - Save Me, Save Me

Start from the beginning

Y/N spoke in a devious tone, "Here's the deal you bucket of bolts," He refused to let Cyborg down. "I help you catch this Cinderblock guy, and you convince the legal cats in this place to clear my name."

Y/N gradually lowered himself, along with Cyborg, as his eyes stopped glowing.



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"Hello? Cy? Pick up! Come on, Cy, pick up! I know you're there. The phone's built in your arm!" Beast Boy paced around the Ops Room, trying everything he could to get a response from his lost friend.

Titans Tower was real quiet today. The whole-hearted laughter of the cybernetic teen was missed among the rest of the team, as it was replaced by a deafening silence.

Robin stared out the Ops Room window, deep in thought of the friend he had stupidly lost over a simple miscommunication.

The team had only been assembled a few months prior, a time span in which an impressive amount of progress had been made when it came to building bonds. However, there is only so much that can be achieved within a few months.

Especially among 5 teens, whose superpowers had allowed them to grow accustomed to being outsiders.

Catching sight of him, Starfire levitated toward Robin, holding a bowl of... something. "Taste, friend Robin. On my planet, the displeasing taste is quite the renowned for setting mental discomfort at ease."

"I'm fine." Robin slightly turns his head from the window.

That was a lie.

Raven then chirps up, standing at the Primary Control Monitors. "There is no point in pitying yourself, Robin. People come, people go. It's pointless to be upset about Cyborg." She made no eye contact throughout the whole phrase.

"Oh come on, Raven. He's our friend! We can't just let him go." Beast Boy began to speak.

Raven slightly pivoted her head, "Friends are an artificial construct. They come in and out just like everything else in life."

Robin remained silent.

Suddenly, the Main Monitor in the front of the Ops Room signified an alert from the local police.

"Robin, what is the matter?" Starfire queried.

"A prisoner has escaped from Jump City prison," Robin answered. He began to flip through the images that had been sent from Jump City council.

"Escaped? Dude, I thought we got all of them." Beast Boy chimed in. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

"Hold on Beast Boy. It looks like Cyborg is already on it." Robin brought up an image on the Ops Room TV screen.

It showed Cyborg in an alleyway, aiming his Sonic Canon at a mysterious young man in an orange prison uniform.

"Must we still proceed to assist? Surely friend Cyborg could use our help, correct?" Starfire said, continuing to stink up the place with her bowl of... something.

Robin responded out of fear of confrontation.

"No, Cyborg can handle it. We should be on the lookout though. Who knows how many others could've escaped?"

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