Yeonkai- The Red Room

Start from the beginning

Kai began to violently twitch from the burning sensation on his chest. The smell of his own skin was the worst part. That lingered long after the heat did. The more he twitched, the more his restraints cut into his wrists. While Yeonjun was heating the needle for the last letter, Kai realized they were looser now.

The red head picked up the camera and brought it closer so his audience could see him carve the last letter. He chose the "l" to be directly below his ribs. The needle seared the blonde's skin as it was slowly dragged down to his hipbone. Kai's screams seemed to satisfy him.

Yeonjun's camera went back to it's original spot on the tripod. His tools went back to their perfect place on the table. He then turned around to check the comments again. "I think my tattoo makes him even more gorgeous. A true angel indeed. What's next you guys?" More sick suggestions filled the screen. Most of them would kill his victim too quickly. He wanted to make this last. "Hammer nails into his thighs? Sure. I can work with that."

Kai squirmed against the pole. He would take the needle a million times over versus what was about to come. His focus went back his arm restraints. If he could just get them a little more loose, he would be free.

Yeonjun grabbed two nails and a hammer. One nail for each thigh. He looked at Kai's face the entire time of him piercing his thigh with the first nail. The more the blonde screamed, the brighter his smile became. Once the nail was in enough to hold on it's own, he looked at the camera and asked "you ready for this?" The hammer raised above his head and went down in a single swing. The nail went straight through Kai's muscle tissue. Blood dripped everywhere as the blonde screamed. Lucky for him, it missed bone.

The second nail was pushed into Kai's other thigh. Blood dripped in excess down to the floor. The blonde could hear his own skin rip. He made the mistake of looking up to see the hammer connect with the other nail. It made the impact seem twice as bad. He screamed until his throat hurt.

Yeonjun, satisfied with the job so far, placed his hammer back down onto the table. He began talking to his audience as he arranged his tools once more. "I hope you're enjoying the show so far. I'll tell you how I got him too. I found him at a bar. He made the mistake of telling me he just moved to my city. Knowing he had no one around made it that much easier to take him." The red head walked up to the camera to talk directly to his viewers. "This is the first one I actually feel sorry for. He was so good last night. Oh well. There's always someone better out there. What's next on the wishlist?"

Kai attempted to move his legs to see if he could still walk. It hurt like a bitch but he could. Blood continued to stain the chains around his wrists as he forced himself to make the cuts deeper. He had to bite his tounge to keep from screaming again. Yeonjun's attention had to stay on the monitor. He managed to slip one hand out before his attacker turned around. He froze.

Yeonjun walked over to the table and grabbed a condom. He slipped it on himself then faced Kai. "You know... lucky for both of us, this was one of the most common requests. You're just so irresistible." The blonde backed up further into the pole. Yeonjun laughed. "Don't worry darling. I took care of you last night. I'm a true gentleman. You'll be taken care of today too."

Both of Kai's wrists were now free but still wrapped in the chain for the illusion. He just had to wait for the perfect moment to make his move.

Yeonjun walked up to Kai and started to kiss his neck. One hand worked himself while the other had a firm grip on the blonde's waist. "You're so pretty." He lined up to insert himself. Before he did, he threatened "give my audience a good show, will you? Fighting back will ensure an even slower death."

Even with the lubrication on the condom, Kai felt like he was being split in half. He started to cry from the pain. Yeonjun started to kiss his neck while his tempo increased. Every once in a while, he glanced back at the camera and licked his lips. When the red head finally finished, blood was dripping out of the blonde. He tossed the bloody condom into the trash then zipped his fly up. The camera had his attention again.

Kai made his move. He dropped the chains onto the floor then lunged forward, grabbing Yeonjun by the throat. The camera fell, shattering on the concrete floor. Kai choked Yeonjun out as hard as he could. The red head tried to fight back but it was useless. Kai's determination was stronger than the current pain he was in.

Once Yeonjun was dead, the blonde grabbed a knife from the table and slit his throat just to make sure. He crawled over to the wall to regain his energy. He ripped Yeonjun's shirt off and tore it to shreds. Kai placed one of the cloths in his mouth to bite on. He began to pull one of the nails out. It was in deeper than he thought. He screamed as he kept going. Once it was out, the bloody nail was tossed aside. Sweat soaked his body as he wrapped the wound. The second nail hurt just as much as the first coming out.

Kai attempted to stand up but fell to the floor. The wounds from the top half of his body were nothing compared to his lower half. He forced himself to get up. A sledgehammer from the table was now his walking cane. He trudged over to the door and pushed.

Outside, there was nothing but Yeonjun's car. He turned around to grab the keys from the red head's body then stumbled back out.

Kai started the engine. Headlights revealed he was in the middle of a dessert. Nothing was around but sand and cacti. He found the road behind him and begun to drive to who-the-hell-knows-where. Hopefully the next town won't be so shitty.

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