Chapter .07

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Emma couldn't see.

That scared her, sure, but in not seeing anything, her other senses had heightened slightly. She couldn't help but be grateful for that.

She didn't want to panic, panic would be alerting anyone near that she has woken, that could end up badly, she needed a moment to think, to collect herself.

Panic meant she would make rash decisions, decisions that she couldn't risk, not right now, not when she didn't know this persons intent. For all she knew they could kill her, or maybe, just maybe, something could be in her favour for once, maybe this person needs to know something she did? Maybe that could save her, if she played her cards right.

Emma wasn't stupid, she knew she had been kidnapped in some sort of way.


Well she couldn't tell you, but what she could tell you, is that, she would get out.

She was strangely calm, for someone who knew they had been kidnapped, that is anyway.

Alfie was cooking.

That was something he would never do, not when everything he had ever gotten, had been handed to him on a silver platter.

It was strange.

Then again he had just kidnapped a girl, how much more strange could this get?

Back to the topic, he was waiting for the average girl to wake up, he felt It would be bad hospitality if he didn't at least, well feed her, plus he felt kind of bad for disrupting, possibly ruining (he doubted he ruined it, but it's the thought counts, right?), her life.

He just hoped she would wake up soon, before the food he had actually put effort into, went cold and was no longer appetising, if it did, well the he might actually kill her.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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