Chapter .04

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As Emma was walking, she had a sick feeling that she was being watched, it's a feeling no one liked, not really, especially when your walking home, alone, in the dark, and as a woman.

Emma fastened her pace, perhaps it was just her thinking the worse?, you know, when you hear a small noice and think the worse in the dark? I'm sure you do.

As she was walking past the small cover of trees to her right, a man with a dog walking out from the opening, Emma relaxed slightly when she saw he was with his dog.

She shouldn't have.


The man, fiddling with something in his hand, a poo bag? Probably. The man, looking up slightly noticed Emma and nodded his head down slightly, the way Edinburgh folks say hello to strangers, Which is quite strange in its self.

Emma let a small awkward smile cover her face as she kept walking, she had somewhat relaxed after the brief acknowledgement they had done, finally she reached the bridge, she was the next opening, just a few more steps and she would be in the safety and comfort of her stair.

She shouldn't have let her guard down so easily.

The disappearance of Emma Jackson Where stories live. Discover now