Chapert .02

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Alfie Brown.

Alfie brown had always been...extraordinary, let's say.

Now Alfie, he was the complete opposite of Emma Jackson. (bless her)

Alfie brown was hideous, absolutely hideous, but in some strange attractive way, in a way that made everyone stare, as they could not understand as to why- why they where so attracted to someone who was so, well bad to look at.

It was abnormal.

Alfie brown was insanely smart, so smart that Sheldon cooper (yes from the Big Bang) looked somewhat silly in the same room as him, but Alfie brown lacked common sense, so really, how well could he use his brain if he lacked what he needed most?

Alfie brown was born with vibrant, thick long blond hair, people would always complement him for it, Alfie browns hair could rival the pure colour of sunflowers, the gorgeous flower that symbolise -unwavering faith and constant orientation towards the light- It was ironic considering Alfie brown is anything but.

Alfie brown was born with with one blinding green eye, one that could be placed with how you would remember fields from parks when you where a child, (now if you where to look at a field, it wouldn't be as vibrant, no?) an eye so green, if you looked hard enough, you might have been lucky enough to catch a glimpse of heaven.

That wasn't all, his other eye was a glistening gold, a brown so light even in the darkness of rooms you could still make out the speckles of gold within, perhaps that's why Alfie brown grew to be greedy, all in all his eyes where captivating.

Alfie brown was everything but normal or average, he was extraordinary.

Perhaps that's why he took Emma Jackson, maybe he just wanted something average for once in his life.

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