Chapter .06

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Alfie brown was proud of himself, more than he should have been.

Emma was shitting herself, safe to say, honestly instead of trying to be nice she should have turned around and knocked the fucker that grabbed her out.

She was terrified.

It's a completely normal response, really if you weren't somewhat concerned after being potentially kidnapped then, well then you need help.

Emma couldn't see, but from what she could feel she was in a chair, one of those stupid blue plastic ones, the same one she had once sat in for primary 7, you know, the ones that would rip your hair out if you sat in it for too long? Yeah.

That somewhat gave her an impression that maybe -just maybe- she had gone to school with this freak.

Alfie was very happy, not only had he been able to take Emma, he had done so without effort, she was fairly weak.

And no one was around to see.

All in all it was a very easy first kidnapping.

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